
About the Site:
PLEASE NOTE: We are not on any social media or anywhere else for that matter, representing this site. If we ever get around to it, we’ll update any such link here.

All movies posted here are works of fiction, and no effed up stuff that is real will ever be posted unless it’s part of a documentary.

Effed Up Movies is a place where you can watch effed up cinema from around the world. This is a growing site in terms of content and while we are slow with our posts, we have thousands of movies we hope to post here eventually.

All movies here are shared in their Uncut form. Sometimes, the Director’s Cut is chosen, but this is usually because it’s the longer version.

We are a few former moderators from forums, boards and websites who’ve come together through our shared interest in the fucked up. In fact, some of the movies here were first shared on the internet by us 🙂

That’s pretty much it, about us.

Is my identity or IP address logged?
No. We don’t record your IP address or other details. The email address you choose to enter when you post a comment or contact us is only used to communicate to you info you may have requested. The email field also helps in using the Gravatar feature (more on that below). If you’re not going to use Gravatars, feel free to enter a fake email.

Regarding your personal details – unlike most websites, no personal usage of the site is logged. Logging has been disabled completely! Broad analytic data such as number of visitors to a page is turned on, but this cannot be narrowed down to tracking any individual using the site.

The Comments Section and Moderation Policies:
Spammy comments including those with links, movie requests, and comments that threaten, show off or seek advice on irl-harm are deleted. We don’t consider comments like “Kill yourself” an example of an irl-threat. As compared to stalking someone, figuring their physical location or issuing a threat that could actually be carried out irl. This has happened a few times before here.

We’d like to believe that anyone who visits this site is likely not a snowflake and is ok with vile, mean, outrageous and racist remarks whether or not they agree with them.

However, EUM draws the line with child abuse when it comes to freedom of expression in the comments. Any irl fantasies or experiences are deleted. You might come across pedo-type comments from a number of shitposters who go under various names, more famously, Steve. They have been confirmed over a period of time to be nothing but trolls looking to outrage and get a rise from the inexperienced user. We actually invest a lot of time to weed out the real pedo posters from the trolls and believe there is space for shitposting even on topics like this so long as it is truly harmless. There are at least two users who’ve been marked out (despite our zero-logging policy) and their comments get almost-auto deleted of late.

Please also don’t post any personal information that might make it possible for someone to track you physically. Any admiring or flirty comments beyond the reasonable will also be deleted as this isn’t intended to be a dating site. If anyone here ends up as little pieces scattered across town, we’d not like to have played Cupid there 🙂 Sorry to be party poopers but some of you wouldn’t be as casual if you knew who was lurking around you.

How do I Edit or Delete my comment?
Due to the variety of plugins used across the site and page caching, this has become a complex problem to solve. If you really need to edit your comment, we’ve provided an option that involves a little trickery and which might or might not work depending on your browser and whether you’re in Incognito mode. You can try it though and see if it works for you.
1. First, rate a comment that already exists on the page.
2. To the right of the Reply button below your comment is a grey box containing a wheel icon. Clicking or tapping that should open an ‘Edit’ option. This option will remain available for 15 minutes after you posted your comment. After performing Step 1, try and edit your comment and save it. It might get saved, else you’ll receive an error message.

Deleting your comment is simpler.
If for some reason, including accidentally posting a comment under your real identity, you want to have it removed:
Reply to your comment with a new comment requesting deletion. A simple “delete” should suffice. But make sure to use the same email while posting this request – that’s the only way we can know it’s you requesting this and not someone else.

Gravatars: How do I set a DP like some users appear to have here?
You can set it at www.gravatar.com. You’ll need to sign up there. We have nothing to do with them, but this is a free, safe service that they offer. Please avoid using your real identity while signing up unless you’re ok with your name appearing on a site featuring effed up movies.
Once you’ve created a gravatar, please enter the same email ID (that you signed up with) in the comment field here and your DP will automatically appear here.

How do I request a movie?
Please don’t post requests as comments, as they will be deleted. The comments section is there to comment on the movie or to point out an issue with the video or post.

Requests are temporarily closed due to the massive backlog of requests. It doesn’t make sense to keep accepting requests when we won’t be able to fulfill them. Thanks 🙁

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If you’d like to get in touch for any other reason, please use the Contact Form
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