Taming of Rebecca (1982)
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AKA: –
Directed by: Phil Prince
Starring: Sharon Mitchell (Rebecca), David Christopher (Dad), Velvet Summers (Sandra), George Payne (Dean), Stella Stevens (Zorda)
Country: USA; Effed Up American Movies
Language: English
Runtime: 01:08:00
Genres: Porn, Sexual-Violence against Women, Incest, Pissing, Torture, Girl-on-Girl
About – Spoilers:
Rebecca is sick of being fucked regularly at home by Dad and heads to some kind of grownup school where her sister, Sandra lazes about. A Dean of Discipline there finds it hard to maintain a stiff cock but is never short of ideas to torment the students.
Taming of Rebecca plays out as just another vintage porn movie for a while, even with the ridiculous incestuous dialogues and scenes. But eventually it takes a turn away from being yet another roughie, when Sandra’s nipple gets pierced with a safety pin. Taming of Rebecca is mostly here for the notoriety it has gained online over the years, having made all kinds of extreme-movie lists. You may as well watch it and know what the fuss is all about.
ain’t even effed up. there’s shit like this but real on kaotic & theync
Bad porn
Well, this one was inevitable given the stuff before. You might as well scream from the rooftops that “Water Power” will be here later.
Lmao the actress forgot to remove her wedding ring at 58:06
Awesome! Another to add to my collection. Thanks guys.
What’s fucked up about this? This belongs on a porn site and not here. Probably shocking for it’s time but today it’s so badly acted and try hard that it’s laughable. They even managed to rip off the ”Halloween” title music, surprised they weren’t sued. This really is scraping the bottom of a barrel.
avon calling
So much bush. Kind of grossed me out haha. The Dean has an atrocious wig and I cannot stop looking at it. Plot is weird as fuck but like ig crazy for the 70’s.
The cheezy dialogue, the bad 70s porn acting …..this movie is fucking hilarious.
I feel dirty after watching this shit
📄🇬🇧 Defender against Bolshevism
by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler
Translated from the Original Third Reich Book: “Die Schutzstaffel als antibolschewistische Kampforganisation”
“The Teutonic Order‘s State in East Prussia:
For the first time it was then easy to introduce obedience into German territory. In addition to the absolute rule of the Christian religion came the fact that knights of the racially best German blood – men from the noblest clans and proven in combat – formed a ruling class over folks and mixed- bloods racially not equal to our folk. The values of achievement and personality stood next to obedience to the church.”
Dude, that’s a mere porn movie. I don’t find any of the depth most movies have here in that one. It’s just sordid, awfully acted and directed. It’s nothing like a gem such as Portrait of Andrea Palmer where the technical defaults of the movies serve to express how Andrea’s life is a failure. That one is just horrible and undeserving of being watched. I’m sorry.
So i own some roughies on dvd but i really would LOVE to find more like this! ANYTHING Avon put out is welcome. I love this and I’m not sure what that says about me
Love this one!! We need waterpower as well
An ancient porn movie to kick off with the Christmas spirit, Dirk Diggler would be quite envious indeed.