Carrie (1976)

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Avg Rating: 4.3 / 5. Voted: 97

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Brian De Palma
Starring: Sissy Spacek (Carrie), Piper Laurie (Mother), Amy Irving (Sue), William Katt (Tommy), Betty Buckley (Miss Collins), John Travolta (Billy), Nancy Allen (Chris)
Country: USA; Effed Up American Movies
Language: English (Optional Eng Subs)
Runtime: 01:38:06
Genres: Teenagers, Mass Killings-Rage Against, Domestic Abuse, Religious themes, Sci-Fi

Plot – Spoilers:
A 16-year-old highschooler Carrie’s domineering mother holds extreme views on religion and social-life which she suffocates her daughter with.

When Carrie experiences her first period in the gym shower, she’s confused and terrified, a feeling accentuated by the bullies around who anyway find her weird and creepy. At home, mother offers no respite and is instead convinced Carrie’s purity up until then was what kept the sinful menstruation at bay.

Meanwhile, years of repression seem to have kindled in Carrie, certain telekinetic powers. At school, a sympathetic classmate asks her boyfriend to take Carrie to the prom. To Carrie, just this acknowledgement of her as a girl on the cusp of womanhood by her peers, awakens her sexuality and also heightens her powers. With potentially disastrous consequences for anyone that crosses her.

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August 23, 2024 6:31 pm

would love to fuck spacek up the ass

April 11, 2024 9:42 pm

wifey material

January 24, 2024 1:02 am

she is literally me fr fr

December 17, 2023 8:53 pm

Love this one

August 7, 2023 4:31 am

Never dump pig blood on the telekinetic kid!

July 21, 2023 5:45 am

Hey guter film jemand von deutschland hier?

fred fat
fred fat
June 27, 2023 1:43 am

100th to comment

June 22, 2023 9:48 am

this is the highest rated but does not appear on the list??????

June 17, 2023 10:29 pm

thanks admin this one is real good

June 15, 2023 10:15 pm

hey admin
thanks for digging up
Carrie from 1976
thanks for your tireless
efforts running the website

he is online
I swear it’s really him
please for you to enjoy
our EUM admin LIVE

Sure, he is SECRETIVE
Sure, he commands RESPECT
He still is our LEADER:
hard working, caring and
sensitive and

our number one admin buddy
(aka Will B.)
rocks like a real man!


June 15, 2023 10:27 am

This is old & shit,why did you put this up here you faggots? Its for pensioners & old people,if you get upset or respond to my comment then you’re a gay cry baby,peace out cowards

OJ not Simpson
OJ not Simpson
June 14, 2023 6:48 am

Anybody noticed this is a Brian De Palma’s movie?

June 13, 2023 4:52 pm

cult.. i love it

June 13, 2023 12:17 pm

Our teacher showed our class this movie in 6th grade. It seems a but inappropriate ln retrospect lol

Zed Man
Zed Man
June 12, 2023 1:31 am

Thx, EUM guys. Even tho I have seen this numerous times, its nice to find it here, nostalgia beckons. Have seen the remake of this but it doesnt stack up to this classic. I have always been into 70s and 80s horror films so pls upload more of them, Im sure a lot of other ppl are enjoying them too. Cheers. Z.

Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard
June 11, 2023 12:47 pm

I saw “Carrie” in a movie theater 47 years ago when it first came out. A 5 star film. An absolute classic and a very sad movie. Best dope slap in a movie is at 27:40 when Chris Hargensen says to Miss Collins “Stick ’em up your ass.” Piper Laurie is great in this one. Her previous role in a film was 15 years before this one in “The Hustler” (1961) and she is great in that one too. This movie was a box office blockbuster and obviously Sissy Spacek’s most famous role but Sissy made a not-so-well-known movie the year after this one called “3 Women” that got little notice but it is a fantastic and very effed up movie.

fred fat
fred fat
June 11, 2023 11:41 am

i remember the first time i saw this movie i was blown near the end

Mark xpooky
Mark xpooky
June 11, 2023 11:27 am

Admin, I ask why option is unavailable? can u back it like before, I’m happy to see your vids with option 2… thanks

June 11, 2023 8:02 am

Not Effed up,But truly a brilliant movie,the whole cast is awesome,piper Laurie,as batshit,bible thumping Margaret White,Carrie (Sissy spacek) the akward,sheltered,shunned outcast that learns she posesses the gift of telekinesis,just maks you feel bad & also curious about her & ultimately rejoice in her vengeance,John Travolta (Billy) is a brilliant prick,PJ soles & Nancy Allen (Chris) are the mean girls,Allen in particular very nasty but incredibly & devilishly hot & (Sue) Amy irving,one of the mean girls who actually has a concience along with after some convincing her BF William “Im walikng on air” Katt (Tommy Ross) once their pity & dertimination to help Carrie proves to be genuine,you begin to actually hope for them all & truly hope its all going to work out for the best,which after a nasty prank by Chris (Allen) & Billy (Travolta) proves to be to much to hope for & adds to the furious intensity of Carries retribution,no one escapes her wrath,even those who genuinely tried to help or intervene on carries behalf are not spared her furious vengence,the best is ultimately saved for mother dearest,great book,awesome movie,ill never understand how the majority of stephen kings works dont translate to film,Carrie,Salems Lot,Cujo,Christine,The Shinning,Stand by me,Shawshank,Apt pupil (both short stories from the same novel) Recently the 2 new IT Adaptions are all wonderful & celebrated films,of course theres some hit & miss but the majority are great & some of those just classics,this being one.

June 11, 2023 7:21 am

I remembered first time I saw this movie, I was blown away near the end. Sure those people were total aholes or somewhat but I really didn’t expect it to turn out like that, damn. There were also a few scenes that I found beautiful/eerie, particularly the dream sequence in the end and Carrie’s reaction right before she did what she did. On top of it all, I found the movie was straightforward and built up nice to a fiery climax. I suppose moral of the story – don’t be a bully. Definitely up there on my favorite Stephen King movie adaptations.