Track 29 (1988)

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Avg Rating: 3.3 / 5. Voted: 38

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Nicolas Roeg
Starring: Theresa Russell (Linda), Gary Oldman (Martin), Christopher Lloyd (Henry), Colleen Camp (Arlanda), Sandra Bernhard (Nurse), Seymour Cassel (Senior doctor)
Country: USA; Effed Up American Movies
Language: English (Optional Eng Subs)
Runtime: 01:30:11

Plot – Spoilers:
Linda’s doctor husband, when he’s not working, is obsessed with toy trains and heads a model-train loving community who heap contempt on those who think they are merely toy train lovers. He also enjoys having his ass spanked by a nurse at the clinic followed by a prostate massage. Linda doesn’t see or understand this side of him and is increasingly frustrated and bored with her bland life that she believes has been made worse by their childlessness. She decks her room with dolls and often tries to seduce him while acting childlike and calling him Daddy. This doesn’t interest him, but it eventually causes a young man from England, Martin, to materialize in her life. Martin claims to be the son she was forced to give up for adoption after being raped as a 15-year-old. Linda has never gotten over the trauma of her baby being snatched away and it is suggested her baby might have actually been the product of rape at home, rather than at the bumper-car fair from her memories. Linda seems to have been struggling with her illness – some kind of identity disorder – for a while, and her husband alludes to it as a reason for their inability to adopt a child. It’s been getting progressively worse though and now there are darker sexual elements involved – her son is playfully lewd with her and she too often horny in his presence.

Track 29 sometimes leaves you wondering about things in it, often boring you to the point of not caring about them. But at other times you do. Like about the dog that trotted onto the bridge in the opening scene. Was this planned, did it happen by chance, was there someone shouting at Gary Oldman to hold his pose or even scare it away?

Genres: Mental Illness, Family, Incest themes

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November 13, 2024 6:39 am

raped woman who lost child at 15 that married into a loveless marriage with a cheating choo-choo train obsessed freak starts to hallucinate her lost son that she likes to molest, she kills her husband at the end. the end.

Oh my gosh
Oh my gosh
November 11, 2024 10:25 am

Should add more tags for this movie: Rape and incest

November 1, 2024 7:48 pm

You know a bitch is fucked up beyond repair when she’s more traumatized by a rape baby being taken away rather than be traumatised by the rape itself and having to give birth to the rapist’s spawn.

October 26, 2024 7:29 pm

MAINstream taste

October 16, 2024 4:44 pm

“We’re to believe that we can restore the value of The word of God, the teaching of CHRIST, the truth of a HOLY religion, where generations upon generations, nations upon nations, the entire lifespan of a human cultural epoch, all were unable even to recognize the deep abyss in which they wandered or sojourned!” -p. 56-57 “Perhaps Christ was one of the first to contrast man’s liberalistic attitude with the socialist stance. But his teachings, which can still be found in PURE and NOBLE form in St. Paul and others, soon became falsified, even turned upside down, and little of Christianity remains in the churches that use its name today.” -p. 115 “When ever I read the New Testament Gospels and the revelations of various of the prophets (Old testament) and imagine myself back in the era of the Roman and late Hellenistic, as well as the Oriental, world, I am astonished at all that has been made of the teachings of these divinely inspired men, especially jesus Christ, which are so clear and unique, heightened to religiosity. They were the ones who created this new worldview which we now call socialism, they established it, they taught it and they lived it!” – p. 139-140 “We are the first to exhume these teachings! Through us alone, and not until now, do these teachings celebrate their resurrection! Mary and Magdalene stood at the empty tomb. For they were seeking the dead man! But we intend to raise the treasures of the… Read more »

October 15, 2024 5:23 am

I watched it because Sandra Bernhard is in it. The blurb about the movie made it seem interesting, but alas, you don’t get to see the nurse stick her finger in Chris Lloyd’s ass. With all the over-the-top imagery here, there could have been some decent smut. Too mainstream for it’s own good is my bias opinion.

October 13, 2024 8:08 pm

pardon me boy is this the film that

October 13, 2024 5:31 pm

Written by Dennis Potter and on Handmade Films so a fairly rich heritage to live up to.

October 13, 2024 4:47 pm

Hard to believe that this childish mess was made by the same guy that made “Don’t look now” in the 70’s.

Zed Man
Zed Man
October 13, 2024 12:29 pm

I know this is unrelated but just had to mention that I watched ” The Substance ” a body horror film and I can’t praise it enough. It’s awesome. Cronenberg must be spewing he didn’t come up with this. Bonus, you get to see Demi Moore totally naked and at 61 she’s still hot. Do your selves a favour and see this gem. ( Eum guys, hint hint, this film belongs here ).

October 13, 2024 6:16 am

Fuck you fed freaks – Klaatu was an asshole! Hail Satan. This movie is fantastic.

October 12, 2024 4:03 pm

Gaping gapers, gaping the gaping gapers! I’ll gape the fucking mods! They are the machine we’re raging against! fuck richard and steve too!