Silence of the Lambs (1991)

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Avg Rating: 4.5 / 5. Voted: 287

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Year: 1991
Directed by: Jonathan Demme
Starring: Jodie Foster (Clarice Starling), Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter), Ted Levine (Buffalo Bill), Scott Glenn (Jack Crawford), Anthony Heald (Dr. Chilton), Brooke Smith (Catherine – the abducted girl)
Country: United States
Language: English (English Subtitles)
Runtime: 01:58:47
Genres: Serial Killers, Detective-Mystery, Psychological Thrillers, Cannibalism, Captivity-Kidnapping, CrossDressing-Transsexual, Violence against Women

Plot – Spoilers:
Not only one of the greatest effed up movies ever made, Silence of the Lambs has to be one of the greatest any films ever made.

The 2nd in the Hannibal Lecter series after Red Dragon, it replaces Will Graham with Clarice Starling as the FBI agent consulting imprisoned cannibalistic serial killer, Dr Hannibal Lecter, on a new case of serial murders involving women being held captive for a while before being skinned and dumped in rivers.

There are a couple of differences between the two FBI agents and this lends new dynamics to their relationships with Lecter. Apart from the obvious gender difference, one is weather beaten and experienced and a sort of twin soul to Lecter while the other is a total noob with a burning drive to succeed and a moral compass that hasn’t yet been distorted.

Lecter plays riddles with Clarice and the law as pressure mounts following the abduction of a senator’s daughter. It all blows up into a stunning climax, with Hannibal meanwhile after 8 long years of captivity sensing an opportunity for himself too.

Favourite Scenes:
1. The Clarice-Lecter interactions
The first time they meet, Clarice Starling tries turning on the charm and Jodie Foster is brilliant in her portrayal of the awkwardness of an eager noob trying to outwit a master. The next few interactions see her drop her feminine traps and hit Lecter with frankness and a desperation to succeed, which he finds more agreeable. In fact, at one point he says, “Thank you Clarice” – It makes so much sense for him to say that. 8 years in captivity for a master of human psychology can be crippling. For such a person, to be allowed open access to another human’s mind must feel gratifying.

2. Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill
This must be one of the most underrated performances of all time. Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster deservedly got the plaudits, but somewhere along the way, Ted Levine got a bit lost.

The “It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again” is hilariously dark especially the distance Bill tries to maintain from his object in distress, while also trying to speak and behave like a transsexual (Lecter believes Bill isn’t really trans but trying hard to be one). And finally, the climax to this scene where Bill pinches his shirt out like a pair of tits all the while mimicking Catherine wailing – Oh man, just brilliant.

3. Clarice Starling stumbling around like a novice in the dark while Bill watches her through his night vision goggles.
Terrifying and gripping.

1. Hannibal Rising
2.1 Manhunter (1986 Red Dragon version)
2.2 Red Dragon (2002)
3. The Silence of the Lambs
4. Hannibal

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October 19, 2024 1:06 am

“For the introduction of a socialist economy is more than a ‘decree’! It requires a moral understanding, an ethical conviction, a religious profession of faith! For in its innermost essence, it is a turning away from the idolatry of previous millennia, the overcoming of a monetary system already attacked by MOSES AND CHRIST, which could be maintained to the present day only by keeping people stupid and terrorizing them, and by a mendacious sanctimoniousness. To bring about this powerful revolution is our mission; to prevent it, on the other hand, is the intention and perhaps already the task assigned to Schacht.”

— Adolf Hitler, in Otto Wagener’s Memoirs of a Confidant, p. 263

October 19, 2024 12:09 am

~Adolf Hitler February 1st, 1933

„As a leader of the nation and the Government we vow to God,to our conscience and to our people that we will faithfully and resolutely fulfill the task conferred upon us.The inheritance is terrible.The task is the hardest in memory.But we are filled with confidence for we believe in our people and their virtues.Every class help us found the Reich.Our Government will revive the spirit of unity.It will defend our nation principles.It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality,and the family as the basis of national life.Instincts must yield to discipline.Institutions will be under Government care.The Marxist parties had 14 years;the result is ruins. people of Germany give us four years and then pass judgment upon us.According to Hindenburgs command,we begin now.May God Almighty give our work His blessing,strengthen our purpose,and endow us with wisdom and the trust of our people for we are fighting not for ourselves but for Germany“

October 6, 2024 3:00 pm

Great movie

September 11, 2024 3:39 pm

actual peak

fred fat
fred fat
September 5, 2024 5:55 pm

great at the end when u think the fbi are at his door but its jodie fist her

August 12, 2024 8:25 pm

id love to fuck jodie foster up the ass

July 14, 2024 12:38 am

movie thoughts:

(1) if catherine’s mom is a media-facing senator, why is she living alone in a sketchy apartment complex out in the boonies?
(2) it seems like Clarise’s boss is constantly taking advantage of her (ex: sending her to talk to lecter without saying why, not including her in the arrest mission) and taking credit for her work and then playing it off like “haha thanks clarise :)”
(3) dr. chilton thinks of criminally insane people as objects to collect in his prison and he honestly should be in there too
(4) As a lighting designer, i really appreciated the scene where Clarise shoots buffalo bill in the dark basement and the sunlight comes spilling through the window, like the dawn just broke.
(5) The fact that Lecter is probably pushing 55-60 and is physically fit enough to string up a cop on a banner, throw another cop in the elevator shaft, and escape to another country really just goes to show the benefits of eating organ meat.

April 2, 2024 3:18 pm

catherine was such an annoying bitch she deserved to die

March 15, 2024 5:12 am

as much as this is well-staged, the movie focuses too much on individual performances. the chemistry between the cruise is great and professional and all, but you can always sense this lack of intimacy, which diminishes the sense of power, of mystery… the fucked up aspects of the movie therefore are played down significantly but ofc Anthony Hopkins’s performance by itself did enough justice as praised many ppl in the comments. i myself would prefer many other titles on the site over this tho. i think this is another (but more well known) example of depicting a character with superpower, who believe he’s painting the perfect piece of art, delivering the coming of age message in the name of the Big One, but totally avoids touching the topic of religion, which if to be piped through a certain combination of streamlined media can influence the audience with the wrong idea of this so called superpower. also funny how movies like these are often made into successful francises, like Uwe Boll ”Ranpage” for example.

March 8, 2024 5:57 pm

Good movie. Anthony Hopkins was exceptional in the roll. I’ve only seen him in a few films. My favourite is from 1967 ‘The Lion In Winter’ he played Richard the Lionheart. Peter O’Tool played Henry II of England and Catherine Hepburn was a magnificent Eleanor of Aquitaine. I also saw him in a film call [Proof] starring Hopkins, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jake Gyllenhaal. The performances were not bad but the story had some holes. It was conspicuously vague about what exactly it was a proof of. They alluded to Goldbach’s Conjecture but that’s highly unlikely given infinite primality.
Silence of the Lambs has some unlikely aspects as well but all movies do.

February 15, 2024 4:00 pm

does anyone else just think silence of the lambs is hot lol

February 14, 2024 7:10 pm

incredible movie

February 9, 2024 9:06 am

Probably the best film on the site, rightly honoured with 5 Oscars – Best Film and Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster deservedly getting the Best Actor/Actress awards. An awesome movie!

Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard
May 24, 2023 10:48 pm

My friends told me that I had to see this movie when it first came out because it was so great. I’ve seen it a few times now and it just doesn’t do it for me. Jodie Foster’s acting always comes across as wooden or forced. The bad guy’s name is so corny (Buffalo Bill) that I just can’t take him seriously. I didn’t like it when it first came out and I still don’t like it now. A lot of people think this movie is great which is a mystery to me. I hate all the other Hannibal shit movies too. I’m not a big Anthony Hopkins fan but he was really good in “Magic” (1978), “Nixon” (1995), “The Edge” (1997) and “Blackway” (2015). “Blackway” is effed up. Ray Liotta is scary as fuck in that one.

Selina Kyle
Selina Kyle
November 30, 2022 2:44 pm

A classic! i am a big fan of Anthony Hopkins!

March 9, 2022 1:47 pm

Loved Jodie Foster in this I want to lick her cunt and fiddle her asshole until she shits down my arm

October 21, 2021 2:37 am

Plz add sleep tight movie to the list.
It is probably a French movie with a creepy storyline which no one could ever guess

fred fat
fred fat
June 11, 2021 4:59 pm

biggest mistake giving Hopkins the chance to ham his way through one of the best characters ever created

Zed Man
Zed Man
April 24, 2021 11:56 am

Hopkins was made for this role and Ted Levine played the killer to perfection. Jodie Foster imo was a bit out of her depth here and not convincing enough. That being said, this film was dark, moody and depressing, just the way a good thriller should be. The first movie to send shivers down my spine, the second being ”Se7en” by David Fincher. Both are classics that have gained cult status and deservedly so. I rewatch these two all the time bc they are awesome.

Sheikh Masud Rana
Sheikh Masud Rana
February 5, 2021 6:53 pm

Not exaggerating but somehow I feel this is the best feminist movie ever made… This movie genre shouldn’t have classified as horror actually.. It’s a faminine movie without any bullshit.

Paul Blake
Paul Blake
August 30, 2020 7:50 pm

Of course it is one of those benchmark films. When they are this excellent; you revisit them from time to time… I think it has been at least 4 years since the last time I saw it! And I noted something I passed over before; as the shooting at the end of the film is so intense! Because Starling is in the dark and Gumb has the Nightvision! So Note: Police officers never let themselves be drawn into a situation where they are outgunned, and outmaneuvered! What saved her, was she had the hammer back on her revolver, and he drew his hammer back giving his position away! If the situation is “shoot now,” you can draw the trigger straight back(bang) called single action!… But not quite as smooth as double action for accuracy, unless you really practice single action a lot. She squeezed off that first round double action, and as near as I could tell the rest of them were single action! Securing the victim and calling for backup was her first responsibility; not fumbling in the dark. But that made for a very intense ending! That last scene, when he hangs up the phone and the music reaches a lingering crescendo with kettle drum; was spot on deep mood, and walking music… As Hannibal takes on a panthers prowl; stalking his next meal, the bad mannered Dr. Chilton… Note: And I thought the same thing AKA, Ted Levine deserved more recognition for his great portrail of Jame… Read more »

June 29, 2020 2:58 pm

This movie is ASTONISHING !! >:^0
I am so glad you had it on here, thank you thank you so so much !! You gave me an opportunity to watch (finally), I have so many good thing to say about this movie, it’s just so good !!

The acting is whacking, the shots are well-done and the scene/characters are memorable (ex: Clarice Starling and her country accent or Bill boy and his “dance scene”) I just love this movie, you have to watch it, it’s so wow !!

Will definitely watch this again and I STRONGLY recommend !! >:^D

Francesco Macchi
Francesco Macchi
April 13, 2020 2:20 am

I state that I have always loved and still love the Hannibal Lecter saga,but compared to other films that are on this fantastic site, I don’t think they are films to be considered extreme xD anyway,good job guys and thanks for these magnificent films!!!

Asim Mandal
Asim Mandal
July 24, 2019 4:04 am

Very Good opportunity to watch movie.