Be My Cat: A Film for Anne (2015)

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Avg Rating: 3.1 / 5. Voted: 379

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Directed by: Adrian Tofei
Starring: Adrian Tofei, Sonia Teodoriu, Florentina Hariton, Alexandra Stroe
Country: Romania
Language: English, Romanian
Runtime: 01:26:57
Genres: Snuff, Captivity-Kidnapping

Plot – Spoilers:
Adrian, living in Romania, is obsessed with Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway after seeing her as Catwoman and wants to impress her into acting in his film. For this, he convinces three Romanian actresses to star in his movie as a sort of pilot for Anne to judge his talents. And as the clincher, he decides to make it a snuff movie.

Random Trivia:
Edit: The following is said to be inaccurate by the director in the comments section.

The scene where Sonia calls the police has been claimed by the director as having actually happened. Apparently, the actress started to panic that things were turning too real for her.

Speaking in Romanian was the pre-agreed safeword between director and actors and there’s one more scene with Sonia, where she’s tied up and breaks out of character, shifting to Romanian.

Similarly, the men who turn up in the basement were also real neighbours.

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