Christiane F. (1981)
AKA: Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo; We Children from Bahnhof Zoo
Directed by: Uli Edel
Starring: Natja Brunckhorst (Christiane), Thomas Haustein (Detlev), Christiane Reichelt (Babsi), Jens Kupha (Axel)
Country: Germany, European Cinema
Language: German (English Subtitles)
Runtime: 02:10:59
Genres: Based on a True Story, BDSM, Drugs, Gay, Prostitution, Old-Young, Teensploitation
Plot – Spoilers:
Based on a true story, 13 year-old Christiane lives with her mother and younger sister in a Berlin apartment that depresses her. Though her parents are separated, she shares a fairly decent relationship with her mother and opts to stay with her rather than with Dad, even when her sister moves in with him.
A friend takes Christiane one night to a newly opened happening club. Here she meets Detlev who is kind to her when she’s handling a trip like an embarrassing noob. The two then begin hanging out together and briefly break up when Detlev starts doing heroin. But by now, Christiane is in love with him and in an attempt to connect with him on the same plane, she tries heroin. From here, her spiral takes her to Zoo Station, a railway station where junkies and teen boys and girls hang out to prostitute themselves to anyone who’ll have them.
Favorite Scenes:
Christiane, Detlev and friends whiling the night away to Bowie’s Heroes. As dawn breaks, Christiane looks on innocently at the adult world as it prepares for a new day of work and routines that seem so cut off from the happy place she’s in right now.
There was a homeless little girl called Christiane, so I took her in gave her a sex change and renamed him Christian, which is fitting because now he worships me and my divine cock
God this one hurt. Those poor kids. I wish I could give them all a hug. It breaks my heart. Especially because, well, this could have been me. It wasn’t. But it could have been. And I think the only reason I never had to go to these extremes, is because unlike Christiane, I was born into privilege. So I never had to work the streets for money for a fix. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have. I’d have done anything when the ants would start crawling under my skin and veins. When I’d be so dope sick, I’d rip my own hair out. I’d have killed for a fix. Like Christiane, I’m an only child. My parents divorced when I was a kid. So, Growing up, I had total, unbridled freedom, no one looking over my shoulder and no parental guidance whatsoever. I did whatever I wanted, with who I wanted, and when I wanted. At 13, I had a 17 yr old boyfriend. He showed me, introduced me, to everything. Everything. He was beautiful. So beautiful. And so kind. And so addicted. And all of our friends were 17 to like 30. We’d ride into the city to score and ravish. We traveled in packs like hungry wolves. We had families that would rather ignore what we were doing and just throw more money on it, but we were also each other’s family. We all had unlimited funds, lots of drugs, had lots of sex, and would… Read more »
bro this is effed up!!!!!!
I love this movie, the reality about drugs and young germain parties.
Ii can’t wait to watch this I been waiting so long and I didn’t want to pay apple to watch it and it isn’t even showing on Netflix only thirteen is showing
this just changed my entire life
love this mv
oh my gosh dude..
“To the Honorable Mr. Adolf Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the German Reich! Here, at the beginning of our pontificate, we wish to assure you that we remain dedicated to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your leadership […] During the many years we spent in Germany, we did everything in our power to establish harmonious relations between Church and State. Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral role have increased our opportunities, we pray all the more ardently to achieve this goal. May the prosperity of the German people and their progress in all areas be realized, with God’s help.”
— Pope Pius XII
Letter to Adolf Hitler, March 6, 1939, nr. 3950/39: A.E.S. Germania 749. – Die Briefe an die deutschen Bischöfe 1939-1944, pp. 421. [Vatican Archives]
David Bowie and the sexual exploitation of minors, name a more iconic duo. might as well have just cast Lori Mattix. hope the cancer was painful, you old dead fuck!
is there any way we can get the version i saw as a teen?i remember one of the deleted scenes was with babsi and christiane having sex with a pedo who was a regular client who paid with drugs
is there a way to get that version?
I wanna cry this movie was so well acted out & knowing it’s a real story is so sad. It was a very good movie though I loved it a lot!
ima cry this was bueaiful and harash .stunning
amo esta pelicula /cry
this is such an amazing movie, if you want a better insight of christiane’s life i totally recommend reading zoo station
she was a heroine – just for a day
good film, i enjoyed it
any other movies like this? other than lilja 4-ever
A sad depiction of drug induced height of desperation. Some very good acting and make up artistry.
I wish tiktok and other social media would stop making ‘pretty’ edits of this movie (along with trainspotting) and romanticizing drug addiction and portraying it as something beautiful. As a recovered heroin addict THIS is the reality of that sort of life (ofc some drama added its still a movie but y’all get my point) One of my all time favourites.
This movie is a masterpiece and the book is even better. Everything about this story it’s fascinating. Sadly, many people don’t understand the meaning of Christiane’s struggle with drugs. That leads to stupid hate comments from people who thinks this romanticize drugs and others who do romanticize drugs and use this movie as an excuse just like many use some tv series to justify ilegal activities. Christiane’s story has nothing of that. It just shows reality. The reality of a group of teenagers who were deceived by every authority they knew (parents, church, police, government, etc) in a decadent city who suffered the worst heroin problem in the world during the 70s. It’s not intended to give an explicit message. It’s just knowledge and everyone would know how to use it in his own life.
Great movie and fucking cringe how people use this to romanticize drug/heroin addiction on platforms like TikTok, I could fucking puke
Who else thinks this is way better than the amazon remake.
This movie so sad
god damn that was soooooooooo bad
i want to be her so bad
This movie was boring af
My favorite movie of all time! A beautiful story and must watch imo.
wow this was kinda fucked, not the worst ive seen but still
I love this movie. I know you don’t take requests, but “Der Fan” from 1982 needs to be on here. Don’t worry, this is the only time I’ll break the rule. It’s just that sometimes the gratuitous fuckedupness can get so boring after a while that sometimes I crave the masterfully crafted fuckedupness.
we can be zeroes just for a day
Really good movie, i really liked it.
It shows how important are the people you surround yourself with, in shaping your views and character. If you hang out with a bunch of fucking junkies, you are gonna end like them too at some point, just to “fit” in. And how people are easily influenceable by their “friends” (especially women)
The moment a person start taking and getting addicted to drugs, they lose their humanity and should be treated as human garbage. Why the fuck should i treat them with “respect”, when they don’t even respect themselfs?
Losing their morality, start being a danger to society, their families and to themselfs. And a lot of them acts, like because they do drugs, they are “mature” or know shit about life lmao there’s nothing mature about taking drugs. Is pathetic and low life.
Anyway, great movie. To the next one.
Great movie 8.1/10
There is another one about heroin addiction that may actually be a 10/10 called ‘Requiem for a dream’
Is heroin that good? Dam I’ll stick to the kush tho
Jeez. this seems like a meeting place for current or former drug addicts.
Good movie.
Tragic, realistic film. As a recovering addict with over 22 years clean, where there is breath there is always hope for recovery,
Long and boring. Who cares if junkies or alcoholics die. It’s too many people around and there is no room for garbage. Beside all they do is being a burden to society and pitty crime. Wasting of taxpayers money.
It was suppose to me be playing on TMC AND 3:15 in the morning. I saw siskel and every rave about what a powerful film it was . I’m surprised after 44 years of life I’ve never heard of this movie. It lived up to the hype
This was totally my childhood.. with fewer drugs.
I love this movie, btw— thanks for uploading it, admins 🙂
READ THE BOOK … it is MORE POWERFULL than this stupid movie . I just did it and it NOT COMPARE to this !!! TRUST ME !!! READ THE BOOK !!!
this movie is heartbreaking omg
Powerful film, intense realistic performances. If this story is not enough to deter you away from heroin, nothing will.
This movie reminds me of the song by Smashing Pumpkins – Try, Try, Try….
God i love this site. Also this is such a realistic movie. I never touched heroin because i knew it would do this. I struggled with other addictions but still. Don’t let this site go down!
Very nice movie
good movie could use better translations though.
Wow, an adult at 14?!
Good movie!
I have seen this film so many times, it is an excellent movie, very realistic – I should know, I have been a heroin addict myself. Great performance from the actor who plays Christiane. Thanks for posting and such an awesome site I just discovered tonight.