Mysterious Skin (2004)

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Avg Rating: 4.5 / 5. Voted: 645

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Gregg Araki
Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Neil), Brady Corbet (Brian), Chase Ellison (young Neil), George Webster (young Brian), Elisabeth Shue (Neil’s mother), Bill Sage (Coach), Chris Mulkey (Brian’s father), Lisa Long (Brian’s mother), Michelle Trachtenberg (Wendy), Jeff Licon (Eric)
Country: United States
Language: English (Eng Subs)
Runtime: 01:45:04
Genres: Rape-Sexual-Violence against Men, Gay, Old-Young, Sci-Fi, Teensploitation

Plot – Spoilers:
Mysterious Skin follows the experiences of two boys Neil and Brian one summer as 8 year-olds and then picks up when they’re fifteen. That one summer shapes their worldview and future experiences. There is some alien abduction and scifi along the way that seems ridiculous and jarring, but if you stick with it, it all pulls together in the end.

Mysterious Skin is a harsh reminder of the effects of child abuse and a pivotal movie in the genre.

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January 24, 2025 1:14 am

i love this movie

January 23, 2025 8:46 pm

Incredibly cathartic to see so many people here, who have experienced the same trauma, relating to this movie. It was a really hard watch; I already started sobbing only a few minutes in and I had to keep taking breaks. But it makes me feel so seen to have not only related to the characters in the movie, but to see all of you people here too, sharing your feelings, living, and finding comfort.
I’ve never seen a film really talk about the fucked up feeling of thinking that you loved the person that abused you even though it’s such a common feeling.

Spoiler warning, but it honestly made me really glad to see the movie end the way it did. A lot of movies that deal with sexual abuse tend to end with the characters dying or something (not dogging on those movies, they have their place too). But it was really really nice and refreshing to see a story that showed a lot of that pain in realistic ways, but also allowed the characters to feel comforted and hopeful despite the pain never really “being over”.

If you’re like me and you searched up this movie in a low moment of despair, please keep living. You’re so strong for getting this far. I’m really glad to have found this movie when I needed it.

January 22, 2025 11:01 am

Fuck me up the ass with your hot teenage cock

January 19, 2025 12:40 am

This is so fucked up yet so beautiful at the same time… guess that’s the way of this life. I’ve been struggling with the idea of a God who is supposedly loving, letting bullshit like this to happen to his creations. My heart goes out to anyone who can relate to the dark parts ( the majority) of this movie. I want to fly away too.

January 9, 2025 6:05 pm

monsters are real and they look like us

January 8, 2025 5:56 pm

relatable movie

Bam b
Bam b
January 7, 2025 9:03 am

I felt so shit when Brian knows the truth. I lost track of my lifeline, my traumas are hidden and on top of me all the time, drugs are the only relief, see you all in the other side

December 24, 2024 3:53 am

esta pelicula me dejo el corazon roto y un vacio que no puedo explicar. nunca voy a superar esto, peliculaza y una gran representacion del abuso infantil

December 22, 2024 7:28 pm

nunca voy a poder recuperarme de esta película

December 21, 2024 5:37 pm

an absolutely fascinating movie with a very emotional ending. It really shows how differently people can evolve and remember the many faces of sexual abuse.

December 19, 2024 10:42 pm

monthly rewatch for when i’m depressed

December 19, 2024 9:40 pm

i could write a novel on this movie. how sexual abuse is so prevelant in gay culture, the stigma of sex work and the dangers of it, the aids epidemic and its survivors. this movie will forever remain my favorite, its the reality of gay men during this time in the sex industry aswell as a extremely accurate telling of how people cope with abuse. mysterious skin is a gorgeous movie. do not recomend 10/10

December 19, 2024 11:55 am

made me feel emotional from beginning to end and i dont even know why even though nothing major happened.. until then i understood.. this movie made me cry just because of how traumatic this is. my favorite emotional movie now ❤️

December 15, 2024 11:10 pm

beautiful, impactful and incredibly fucked up. i thought neil was a complete sociopath but the ending scene was a very much needed moment of reflection and character development, he is just as broken as brian except it manifested in a different way.

Humanidades [DC]
Humanidades [DC]
December 10, 2024 10:52 pm

Os tempos calmos vão ir embora com a chegada da Agenda 2030, contra isso eu só consigo dizer… shiiiiiiiza skibidi pomni sigma skin toilet amogus siuuuuu amkara messi amkara messi receba ohio

November 25, 2024 1:09 pm

Joseph gordon was hot 👉👈

November 25, 2024 4:49 am

i cant ever watch this ever again 10/10

November 13, 2024 9:00 pm

I was waiting for the aliens.

November 9, 2024 10:44 pm

i always come back to this one when im wasted for some reason

October 20, 2024 12:35 am

Galatians 3:2-6 – You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? Have you experienced so much in vain—if it really was in vain? So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard? So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.

October 19, 2024 1:08 am

“For the introduction of a socialist economy is more than a ‘decree’! It requires a moral understanding, an ethical conviction, a religious profession of faith! For in its innermost essence, it is a turning away from the idolatry of previous millennia, the overcoming of a monetary system already attacked by MOSES AND CHRIST, which could be maintained to the present day only by keeping people stupid and terrorizing them, and by a mendacious sanctimoniousness. To bring about this powerful revolution is our mission; to prevent it, on the other hand, is the intention and perhaps already the task assigned to Schacht.”

— Adolf Hitler, in Otto Wagener’s Memoirs of a Confidant, p. 263

September 16, 2024 7:32 pm

Thank you so much for uploading this. I watched it on my own last night, and by the end I was crying harder than I think I have for years, what an incredible set of performances. I’ve had moments like Brian at the end there, where I’ve flashed back to my own abuse, and just been left nonverbal and shaking, and watching Neil comfort him basically drove me over the edge, the moment he started bleeding I made a sort of weird croaking sob sound, I’ve been there. I am so so grateful to have seen this, thank you.

September 13, 2024 4:13 pm

i love you gregg araki

August 25, 2024 8:58 pm

i remember watching this movie a couple years ago…. very effed up indeed.

August 21, 2024 10:30 am

This hit home. I somehow relate to both victims and that just goes to show the multitude of outcomes for such events. Being over indulgent in the very acts that traumatized you because your upbringing didn’t provide help or the means to process what’s good for you. The memory loss and eagerness to find a different truth because, once again, your upbringing didn’t provide the means to process. It’s truly sad because it’s not necessarily the caretakers fault that it happened but it’s their fault for not being there. I feel bad because for both caretakers, their reason is that they’re mothers trying to provide and that’s still not enough. So much is fucked up in everyone’s intricate little lives and with every fucked up situation there’s nuance and sadness. This movie is disturbing and I hated watching some parts but I truly love it. Something I couldn’t help but notice was that the music was absolutely perfect.

August 14, 2024 2:13 am

this made me realize how childhood trauma can take a different shape depending on the person, and that everyone faces it differently. In my case, I almost got sexually abused by an old man when I was 9, but thanks to unrestricted internet access, I already knew too much about sex and pedophilia. That being said, I found a way to escape the situation before anything could happen. I fear that if I hadn’t seen what I had seen on the internet, I would have ended up like one of these two. Thank you, internet.

July 15, 2024 7:45 am

legit one of my favorite films, call me fucked up or whatever but ive read the book like 3 times. love it so much, such a beautiful portrayal of trauma

July 14, 2024 6:11 pm

Jesus Christ, the way they depict how the coach favouritism plays throughout the movie is just fucked up. I can take most shit, but this movie got me fucked up.

June 17, 2024 1:10 am

amo esta pelicula desde lo profundo de mi alma

June 9, 2024 5:07 pm

i think what makes this movie disturbing is that the child grooming scenes still have this ethereal warmth to them, that this pedophile was making neil feel special. thats whats really scary about it to me at least. gregg araki always uses shoegaze music but i feel like its the most fitting in this movie. really well done.

May 28, 2024 8:46 pm

i didn’t expect to see it here a great movie though about rural america or things like that, not that fd up

May 27, 2024 6:22 am

The bathroom scene was so scary

May 25, 2024 9:47 pm

Such an amazing movie but I hate the sex scenes and I’m never going to watch that disgusting bathroom scene!

May 6, 2024 3:12 am

the emotions are so viscerally communicated that it made me cry a few times, and at two separate points i had to turn it off and step away for a little while. the ending was stunning and beautiful. i loved the depiction of what a post traumatic and regular young adulthood is like in this movie, from the way they chose to process their different issues to the way the characters dressed and spoke. my favorite part was the gorgeous and rich color palette in almost every scene.

May 2, 2024 10:35 pm

What a great film on a very harrowing subject, strangely found it somewhat therapeutic including reading a lot of the comments…I personally feel letting go of the anger is the hardest, 30+ yrs later, why am I still fuckin raging at life 🙁 I just want to let it go………

March 11, 2024 1:13 am

The best movie I never wanna see again

March 3, 2024 8:18 pm

Omg Slowdive!!

February 10, 2024 2:46 pm

That was a MOVIE! Wow… I came in with my eyes closed and got out with my eyes wide opened! Great work Araki.

January 11, 2024 2:38 am

I mean good movie… But why the hell would you let your kid play in a movie like this?????

your mom's bf
your mom's bf
December 30, 2023 3:00 pm

everyone is raving about JGL but I thought the other guy did a way better job. I honestly felt so bad for him when Avalyn tried to get in his pants, he sold that hurt asexual person perfectly. really sucks that the posters etc dont include him.

also is it REALLY surprising that a male prositute got raped? you can see that one coming from a mile away

December 27, 2023 10:03 am

I fucking hate pedos. i hope they all die

October 28, 2023 7:02 pm

just wondering, what kind of money do you have to be offered to play a pedo? like, why would anyone accept this kind of role otherwise. except ofc if they were an actual pedo and they just got to act out their fantasies :/

May 21, 2023 12:50 pm

Jesus…. what a film.

The parallels between aliens and disassociation remind me of so called alien abduction survivor Whitley Strieber ( author of communion), whose alien stories are obviously dissociative artifacts from his trafficking as a child. This is a subtle theme in some alien movies.

Wonder if this is why Gregg Araki turned out the way he did. Thanks EUM.


January 12, 2023 2:11 pm

this opened my fucking eyes…

December 17, 2022 4:22 pm

One of my favorite movies of all time, probably Araki’s best work and a beautiful, heartbreaking film…the soundtrack combined with the visuals just…even when we have people that love us and care about us and support us, they can’t always save us. Sometimes we get hurt and have to return to them, broken and bloody, before we can really let them know what happened. And then, sometimes, if we’re lucky, we find the people who get us without having to share a word about what happened. “You called me…your angel.” I’ve felt that pain, that anger. I wanted him to love me, I would have given anything for him to really love me. I gave him all of me and he told me I was special but you can’t think about it too hard, it hurts too much. The sharp, jagged edges stick out when you focus too hard. I feel like I could talk for hours about this movie. The first time I watched it as soon as it ended I restarted the film just to watch it again. I watched it five times in two days. I had never – never – just felt seen by a film. I wanted to show it to everyone I knew and loved just to say “don’t you get it? Don’t you get it now?” Our stories aren’t exact, nor will they ever be, but the hole that opens inside you from a sort of primordial pain makes it almost impossible to… Read more »

June 25, 2022 1:16 pm

going through one of the worst episodes of depression and anxiety and reminicing over more trauma than i ever have in my life, dont know if watchin g this is gonna be one of the best of worst decisions of my life

william richardson
william richardson
June 22, 2022 3:13 pm

this movie is litteraly made me cry the story telling is 100% sympathised with both of them the whole time

April 2, 2022 7:16 pm

too close to home. most gut wrenching movie on this site. thank you for posting it. hoping all others who commented similarly are safe and healed.

March 22, 2022 10:20 am

Wow, this is a well directed film with great acting all round which (imo) was needed as the subject matter is effed up. There is also great attention to detail that adds to the film, from all the 80’s games/toys in the coaches house down to the choice of painting in Zeke’s bedroom. I found this an uncomfortable watch at times but nevertheless it is still a great film. Truly sad and effed up and well worth a watch. Thanks Admin for uploading this film that otherwise I would never have known about. A strong 4.5/5 boxes of cereal.

Dr Harris
Dr Harris
March 4, 2022 5:05 pm

Even better second time round.
A fantastic film. Scary and true aswell sadly.

January 13, 2022 4:50 pm

It is just me, or this movie ended out of nowhere? Like, it needed something more to happen after the last part.

It was a pretty interesting movie, and it shows how a single traumatic event in your childhood can affects your peception of life and your personality in the future, and in a negative way. In this case the trauma those 2 boys suffered from being abused by that pedo scum.

Very interesting.

The Eye of Art
The Eye of Art
January 7, 2022 10:16 pm

Not gonna lie, my ass felt uncomfortable the entire time. The visual and narration just made it felt so surreal.

December 29, 2021 11:33 pm

Thanks for this one EUM. Been a while since I watched it… needed to see it today ;(

October 3, 2021 9:22 pm

the movie made me speechless, how it struck home rlly badly
it made u feel as if it took your breath for a second, not knowing what to feel it wasnt smtg that makes u cry but one that made u think of what had happened in your past if anyone has been in this situation before

it would made u stop and take some few breath before doing anytg else, theres nothing i could complain about this movie

Lotty Da
Lotty Da
October 2, 2021 6:57 pm

Great movie, well acted and well done. Perfect casting. Thanks again, effedup

July 18, 2021 3:29 pm

People told me i’d cry. I never cry during movies. I was sad at the end like any normal human but not enough to cry. Then my eyes started watering. I was kind of doing this intentionally to see if it would be cathartic since my tears get built up. However, after the movie was over it got me reflecting on my own life and looking at events in a new light. I’ve never balled harder in my life. Watch this film. If you’ve ever experienced any sort of sexual trauma, it will hit close to home.

May 27, 2021 7:36 pm

i like this movie

March 14, 2021 8:47 pm

Harsh and good. Excelent movie.

Dr Harris
Dr Harris
January 31, 2021 6:18 pm

Excellent work … Not a film is usually bother with but it’s premise seemed worthy of my attention. Very well executed….. And deserves to be seen and learnt from

December 9, 2020 7:22 pm

watched this in september. my eyes were welling up at the end, i especially loved the last line said. definately a favourite move of mine now. certain songs remind me of it and i get sad everytime, but in a good way.

Fred Fat
Fred Fat
October 14, 2020 9:59 pm

heart breaking

Necrophilia slut
Necrophilia slut
September 12, 2020 11:54 am

Sad but good

August 20, 2020 9:20 am

Way to close to home

August 3, 2020 10:49 pm

really sad, then makes you mad cause this shit happens. good movie. thanks eum

July 14, 2020 8:43 pm

When I say trauma is a bitch, nothing hurts more than remembering the hurt that someone selfishly caused. This movie really made me cry and triggered me but it was a very good movie nonetheless.

June 28, 2020 11:12 pm

This movie had my heart tearing apart :,^[
It’s well shot, but it’s heartbreaking, especially the ending dialogue betw/ Neil and Brian (so sad).
I don’t have a fav scene ’cause the movie is just so pretty, idk, but I do like Brian alot !!
I recommand this movie so much, it’s something you have to watch >:^]

March 14, 2020 8:56 pm

this movie rly broke my heart