Death File 2 (1989)

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Avg Rating: 2.9 / 5. Voted: 15

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Susumu Saegusa
Country: Japan; Effed Up Asian Movies
Language: Japanese (Portuguese forced subs – no Eng subs); Effed Up Japanese Films
Runtime: 00:50:50
Genres: Shockumentary-Documentary, Gore-Gruesome, Medical, Violence Against Animals, Medical

About – Spoilers:
The second release in the Death File series steps up things for a while. Included here in order are:

    Dead bodies, including a man who took his kids down with him while his mother and wife were out shopping.
    Burn victims from explosions, some of whom are literally in bits and neatly put together by a cop who likes to do this with his bare hands. In fact, members from his team seem to specialize in this barehand skill.
    Accidents, including faces flattened into a grin by buses.
    Dead rape victims.
    A detailed look at a cat meal – a cat has its throat slit before being cooked over a fire. Pieces of it are then further blended with spices and served with local Coke to a bunch of enthusiastic kids in the open fields.

Death File then decides people need to know there are two sides to everything and so contrasts the cat’s death with an old lady who dedicatedly spends her time cooking for street dogs even if some of them find her food bad enough to pass. Similarly, there’s a village birthing scene followed by an abortion.

A wedding ritual follows, but the lack of Eng subs makes it difficult to understand why it’s part of a shockumentary. Things close with a scene from a garbage dump where kids scavenge.

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February 4, 2025 10:16 pm

The only thing that bothered me was that cats and dogs were harmed. This is very sensitive for Turks, we love them very much. And yes, a cat’s life is more valuable to me than a human life.

February 1, 2025 3:01 pm

I just didn’t like that they cut the throat of a docile cat. If it was a wild cat and they caught it, then it would be normal because an effort would have been made and they would have deserved to eat it, but killing a cat that loved you and came of its own accord is evil. That’s why they live in colonies and in a disgraceful situation. We Turks have been keeping cats alive and protecting them on the streets since the past, that’s why we have always lived in abundance, God gave them to us. Stay safe.

Burn Jews
Burn Jews
January 28, 2025 3:37 am

There is no such thing as a good looking Jew

January 25, 2025 7:59 pm

dear friends,

As part of the new war against the US, first go to and then type this

Maybe you will help to get your act together.

January 25, 2025 5:02 pm

Dear Admin, I am sorry, to bother you with this, but I am done with the stupidity found on this site and elsewhere. From now on, the world is in war with the US. Cconsider a text, whether it was supposed to have been written by a disciple of Jesus, by a disciple of the Pope, by a disciple of Adolf Hitler, by a disciple of a modern religion, or whatever (Feminism, …). In the end, any text should be judged on what it is, who wrote the text is of no concern whatsoever. To understand why I sat this: The books on the Apocalypse in the Bible; have already by Erasmus shown to not have been part of New Testament as delivered by the Greek on what they have learned from the disciples of Jesus. It was a later invention by the Catholic Church. So, I am sorry folks in America, but all this crap you are told by the end of times, it is just bullshit! And so it is with the writings of Adolf Hitler, who grew up under difficult circumstances, a man with not too much intelligence and with a grudge. And this grudge is especially important in our time in the US. The essence here is the idea that you are by nature someone important, that your live has a meaning, somehow, and if not, someone else is to blame. Anyone in his right mind would be happy without being ‘important’, but no, in American… Read more »

The White Horseman
The White Horseman
January 22, 2025 3:05 am

Chop chop says the butcher.

Dewey budman
Dewey budman
January 21, 2025 8:50 pm

They’re eating the cats ….they’re eating the Dogs .

January 21, 2025 6:46 pm

1 Cat for like 12 People? ok…

steves 27th victim
steves 27th victim
January 19, 2025 11:28 pm

sometimes i fantasize about having a plastic bag forced around my head while being raped to death by steve in front of kike overlords

January 19, 2025 4:23 pm

Origins of The Black sun

The ‘Black sun’ is a divine Christian symbol. The sun represents Christ, the Holy scriptures and the gospel, son of righteousness which is symbolic of Christ.The 12 lines converging is a representation of the 12 apostles, 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 archangels and 12 is a recurring number in the bible. Claiming it is a Pagan symbol is disingenuous due to the fact the exact configuration of the Black sun is a 20th century creation which Himmler conceived in a Christian context but a kind of this symbole was already found from bronze Age time. This is where the ‘Black sun’ truly came from which is why Adolf Hitler called it the „Third Reich“ because it is preceded by the „Kaiserreich“ which began with the Holy Roman Empire which was preceded by the „First Reich“ birthed when Europe converted to Christianity after the jewish deadly crucifixition of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.The Reich implies a desire to return to a Christian Past.

steve is retard
steve is retard
January 19, 2025 1:29 am

Thank you sir. hopefully we can get rest of the death file series on this site someday

January 18, 2025 5:39 pm

Disappointed about the abortion. Babies deserve to grow up so I can put em in their rightful place with my spunk gun.