Ensuring Your Place In Hell 2
AKA: –
Country: USA, Soviet Union, Azerbaijan
Language: English, Azeri
Runtime: 01:20:12
Genres: Anthology-Short, Gruesome, Police work, Medical, Religion, Animals
About – Spoilers:
The unofficial sequel to the original bootleg features four shorts:
1. An Exorcism in Turkey
A young woman mostly snarls, but unlike in the movie, doesn’t appear to blaspheme. Concerned parents and a husband/brother are also present in the room. The exorcism appears to be successful in the end, with the woman arching back and releasing the demon in one final gasp.
2. Four on the Floor
The blood-splattered crime scene of the Wonderland murders is detailed by a guy from the forensics team.
3. Experiments in the Revival of Organisms
A b&w film from 1940 purportedly depicting successful Soviet experiments in keeping organs and bits of dogs alive. While some of the claims made here have since been ridiculed, it’s fascinating to watch a decapitated dog lick its lips when dabbed with citric acid.
4. High Impact Hand Safety
Some kind of safety-training video featuring reenactments of officially recorded injuries or deaths, that at times, helps close the collection with comic relief.
Only two of the dead where on the floor. Two were on the bed. You have to wonder who gave the video such a shitty title.
much easier to get tickets than for oasis
Hey, Im Turkish but video is from Azerbaijan. They speak Azeri, a different dialect of Turkish tho.
The Religious views of the ᛋᛋ as it is a common belief that the ᛋᛋ was anti-religious.Did you find this to be the case?
~ᛋᛋUntersturmführer Oswald Van Ooteghem
„No, not at all, I came from a Catholic family, like most of my comrades. The Waffen-ᛋᛋ was a military formation, not a religious one, so religion was not at the forefront of the idea. There was absolutely no interference that I saw in anyones religion. I believe all of National Socialist Germany adopted a separation of the state and church but were friendly to Christianity. The whole reason we fought was to safeguard Christian Europe and its folk. Just like today we were under attack from forces who wanted to see our culture and religion disappear. I can say that freely and with conviction, the ᛋᛋ was pro-religious and never gave us any problems. We had a father in my unit who was sanctioned to meet all of our spiritual needs. He would grant confession and communion to all, regardless of being Catholic or Protestant.“
The funniest part of the exorcism was when the woman blew out the match 😂😂😂
This movie ensures its place in hell as there are no little boys in it