Funny Games (1997)
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AKA: –
Directed by: Michael Haneke
Starring: Susanne Lothar (Anna), Ulrich Mühe (Georg), Arno Frisch (Paul), Frank Giering (Peter), Stefan Clapczynski (Kid)
Country: Austria
Language: German (English subtitles)
Runtime: 01:48:48
Genres: Home Invasion, Family, Torture
Plot – Spoilers:
One of the greatest home invasion films from a master. This one here is the original German version.
An Austrian family of Mum, Dad and son head to their lake home for the holidays. It’s meant to be a couple of weeks of socializing with similar neighbors and plenty of classical music. Instead, a couple of young men inflict riveting terror and grindcore on the family while also involving the viewer in their fun ‘n games.
Funny Games was remade a decade later in an almost identical US version.
the remote control shit lowkey pmo but it fits with the movies overall themes ig
great movie otherwise though, 8.5/10
not as terrible as i thought would be , but that remote thing rly ruined it ngl
i really liked the movie but the tv remote bullshit is so bad it ruined this movie for me
Oh hell, this is the movie that set me on pure rage when I saw it. I wanted to get thru’ the fourth wall, go and rip those two idiotic pricks to pieces on my bare hands! I never ever want to see this movie again! Neither I’m going to watch the US version. Sick stuff. Sick!
This seriously brought out the Michael Myers in me.
when he turned round and winks at the camera after killing the dog!!!
I wanted to end him so badly 🔪
Haneke’s meta-movie that is still just as relevant today as it was 20 years ago. You will either love it or hate it.
Light 9/10
The more the movie went the greater the dislike for these two pricks, and to think they won but I guess that’s why it’s effed up.
Never sat through anything that could more deservingly be called total garbage and a total waste of time for all concerned, especially the poor viewer. An attempt at ridiculous moronic film-making which can only be regarded as a complete waste of space on any movie site.
I watch this movie every single day with a huge boner in my pants thinking to myself: when I grow up, I wanna be just like them…
arno’s legs were the main character of this movie
the main villain and the woman did a great job acting. the idea of the movie is nice. but overall it could have been way better.
This is the absolute piece of garbage!!! IF they wanted me to feel anything but HATE – they did everything WRONG!!!
My ass is burning! Horrible (!!!) unrealistic behaviour, spineless personages (!!!) YET perfect plot, perfect atmosphere of DOOM and perfect acting if so!!! NO I cant stand this! This is an equivalent of idiocracy but in a family aspect! NO NO NO!!! Make me unsee this!
Imprison and humiliate a scenarist for this tasteless piece of shit! Im just spewing fire from every one of my holes nature gave me!!!
-5 out of 5
Great movie, I won’t spoil too much but I guess the main point was to show that movies cannot be too realistic because in real life the villains win quite easily. The acting was great outside from a couple of scenes who could have been polished better, particularly with the father in the golf bat scene which was more convincing in the remake than in this one. Aside from that, I majorly prefer this one over the remake. Ideally I could give it a 5/5 but the after taste of the movie is too sour and more geared towards a drama than a shock movie. So a solid 4/5 it is. It’s not perfect but it definitely left its mark.
hyou guys were fucking lying your asses off when you said this was your favorite movie i hope we both die
naked city wtf
never seen easier victims
I could swear I saw the boy get blasted in front of the tele in the uncut back in 99.
Gets better every watch.. I usually check in about once a year … An absolute classic ….. Funny.. slick… Horrible….. Got it all.. even the remake is good .. in fact I may watch it next . love Chopper.
arno just made this film 1000 better
One of my favourite films. I love Michael Haneke. I’ve not watched the English speaking remake with Tim Roth. I made that mistake with another one of my fav films ([REC]/Quarantine). It’s never explained why they do what they do which for me is fine. I don’t need plots that explain everything to you. As home invasion films go, this is definitely one of the best.
great soundtrack
Bad try, Long, boring, disappointing , weak in compare with Japanese rivals. Don’t see all fascination. And why on earth you make another garbage 10 years later???!!!!!!
always has and always will be one of my favourites, thanks for uploading!
the dad is the most useless character ever, the killers never really revealed who they are and why they chose to do this, and i was left with 0 emotion throughout the whole movie
In this version The German dad looks better than in the American version – which is good! The american actor justlooks silly!
i absolutely loved this movie! it has some cheesiness to it, (namely the remote control scene) yet they’re important enough to the messages and story that it’s not unbearable. it’s an amazing movie at just making you think and question yourself, even if you know the film is fake, you truly have the power to pause and stop their deaths. a wonderful movie, beautifully acted, shot, directed, just perfect!
I did not rate this because, like A Girl Next Door, I really can’t stand watching nice people being humiliated. The actress who played the mother was fantastic. So yeah…great acting, great job, great movie, and I hated it!
Maybe breaking the 4th wall in a murder flick was cool at the time but it seems a slight gimick that kinda reduces this a mediocre b-movie slasher.
And the remote control… fucking please.
Haven’t seen funny games in years. But I remember liking this version better than the updated version. Love EUM