Deranged (1974)
AKA: Deranged: Confessions of a Necrophile
Directed by: Jeff Gillen, Alan Ormsby
Starring: Roberts Blossom (Ezra), Cosette Lee (Mother), Leslie Carlson (Tom Simms), Marian Waldman (Maureen Selby), Micki Moore (Mary), Robert Warner (Harlon Kootz), Marcia Diamond (Jenny Kootz), Brian Smeagle (Brad Kootz), Pat Orr (Sally)
Country: Canada
Language: English (Optional Eng Subs)
Runtime: 01:23:14
Genres: Based on a True Story, Gruesome, Corpses, Violence against Women, Family, Serial Killers
Plot – Spoilers:
A farmer Ezra, who’s excessively devoted to his bed-ridden mother tries his best to keep her alive long beyond her will. Mother has inspired in him a hatred and suspicion for women as disease-carrying, thieving sluts. This suits Ezra fine as he looks well older than he is and has developed peculiar mannerisms and expressions that are probably charming only to his mother who anyway sees everything blurred.
Finally one day the old lady dies and Ez spends a year missing her before he decides it’s time to bring her back home from the grave. By this time it’s clear he’s lost his mind. And his sense of smell. From here, he just gets progressively worse.
Very loosely based on the exploits of serial killer Ed Gein, the version here is the European one that includes a brain scooping moment.
Hello guys. I am gay, In case you were wondering. Today i was waiting in the cafeteria at school for my num nums, and when the door opened i ran as fast as i could! I got me some lucky charms and breakfast pizza. But my excitement for my next meal was soon interrupted by gunshots coming from the other side of the school. I was so scared so I screamed as loud as i could for 15 whole seconds before the principal shut me up and called me retarded. I thought that was a bit of a strong word, so i urged him to use a different one, but before i could reason with his ignorance, he told me to go under the table. However i could not fit under any of the tables due to my fat. So i quickly ran into the kitchen and began gobbling down on all of the delicious snacks they had back there. Best day ever. And were still not even at the best part actually. The shooter finally arrived to this part of the school and started killing people I didn’t like, including the principal. The shooter was so hot and magnificent, his long hair flowing in the wind as he fired his ak-47 at any unsuspecting student or teacher. My jaw dropped, and I ejaculated. My one true love was real! I quickly mustered up the strength to run towards him, and i got up to his face, stood up one… Read more »
Disappointing. If you don’t know much about Eddies life, movie is not bad. However if you do, you quickly realise this is just monetisation of another’s tragedy. Movie is very inaccurate despite the claims in the intro. Crucial parts are left out and bizarre assumptions are added for the thrill and shock value.
Gein lived a tragic life under his monster of a mother reign, he wasn’t attached to her due to being “lonesome”, and he definitely wasn’t a necrophiliac, etc.
Meh 😒
Girly Ez shoots at the end is a real “hottie” . . . I don’t know if I can condone putting a bullet in her, but I understand his predicament. All that beauty and hot pussy out there and none of it for him . . . You just go a bit crazy I guess.
Fuckin awesome. Love 70s cinema
This one was fun 🙂
Pat Orr, the last victim left hanging in the barn had big, beautiful bewbz and a real nice ass! It’s a shame she only did this one lousy, slow, terribly filmed movie and one previously unaccredited role as a background extra, she should’ve been used in more films in the nude. Everyone else in this stink bomb was an awful actor or just flat out ugly AF! The “blood” used in this $5 budget POS looks like gloppy ass red paint! Too thick and red to be blood! Could have at least just went to ANY butcher shop and got a pail of animal blood! Cheap ass 70’s garbage! LOL
That was absolutely insane ! lol The addition with the huge spectacled Alan Wicker-esque reported narrating the story is great ,I love 60’s&70′ s dark comedies/ horror and I’ m not sure how I.missed this one .As ever a bit thank you for your dedication to uploading the obscure .
Such a well acted and great film. Love the little bits of dark humour splattered in.
Despite the fake-looking props and blood, this movie is morbidly funny and a great watch. Ez is so believable, the actor really embodies the character he represents…I wouldn’t imagine someone that adorable and naive like him to be capable of committing such unimaginable horrors but everyone is capable of something, it just needs one push to trigger it ?
confessions of a necrophile ? them thar are marrying words,
gonna use this for first date material, hmmm
crazy….necrophil…..mad….weird and cool stuff!
i like old weird movies!
thank you admin :)))
Y’know most the time i don’t like watching old movies like this, because 95% of the time they’re terrible. Though, I enjoyed this one well enough.
Saw the trimmed version of this on VHS some years ago, this version has 10 mins or so restored. For a 70s film its right up there with ” Buio Omega” and the ”Nekromantik” series. Necrophilia movies are not Australian censors cup of tea, they ban most of them. So, thx EUM for posting this obscure gem, its got a good home here. Dont know where you find these rare films, but keep doing it, we all appreciate the work you do. Cheers!