Dig (2018)

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Avg Rating: 3.6 / 5. Voted: 16

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Andy Tohill, Ryan Tohill
Starring: Moe Dunford (Ronan Callahan), Lorcan Cranitch (Sean), Emily Taaffe (Roberta), Francis Magee (Murphy)
Country: Ireland; Effed Up British-Irish Films
Language: English
Runtime: 01:37:17
Genres: Detective-Mystery, Siblings-Family

Plot – Spoilers:
Ronan has just been released having done 15 years for murdering his girlfriend, an incident he struggles to remember. All he knows is, he was piss drunk the night of the murder.

Returning to his old place, Ronan finds the girl’s father digging away on whatever piece of ground he can find on Ronan’s land, desperately searching for his daughter’s remains. And that’s pretty much all the old man has been obsessively doing for the last 15 years, while Ronan was away busy doing time.

Ronan joins in on the dig, partly because he can’t seem to get rid of the old man and also because, he sort of hopes that finding the body might clear some of the fuzz from his recollection of the night of the murder. The dead girl’s sister is also around, and despite her familial hostility, seems the only person in town with a little sympathy for Ronan’s hopeless claims of innocence.

The Dig takes its time around the gloomy Irish bogscape as we join in on the dig to try and figure what the fuck really happened.

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May 1, 2024 11:13 am

Held my interest and well worth a watch.

suo mynona
suo mynona
January 22, 2024 11:33 pm

I dig this movie

mo beans
mo beans
July 15, 2023 10:52 am

was so boring,

August 2, 2022 7:21 pm

Not what I would call effedup, this was kind of a heartwarming story
really nice change of pace and the twist ending I did not see coming

June 4, 2022 8:56 pm

Thin plot, implausible story. A guy’s daughter disappears. He suspects she was murdered so he digs 6 foot holes in a bog for 15 years? Obviously he was super wealthy to be able to devote 15 years of his life to digging holes in a bog on the chance that his missing daughter, who may or may not even be dead, may or may not be buried in a bog in a 50 mile radius. The grizzled old Irish cop suspects that Ronan killed the girl and with no proof whatsoever manages to get him locked in prison for 15 years. After Ronan gets out of prison, the Irish cop gets Ronan drunk and the cop and his two goon buddies beat the crap out of him. When the cop thinks he has discovered the truth, without even processing the information for 30 seconds, he whips out his gun and blows the head off the new suspect. Your local police chief probably has a similar mentality. This was the only plausible part of the story.

I wouldn’t watch it again but, oddly, I still kind of liked it. The acting was way over the top on a few occasions. The “love scene” was just absolutely ridiculous. 2 out of 5 stars. I still feel like an asshole for watching it all the way to the end.

fred fat
fred fat
May 28, 2022 8:32 pm

im the first asian to comment on this film