Greedy Guts (2000)

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Avg Rating: 4.3 / 5. Voted: 67

No one cared thus far. Do you?

AKA: Otesánek; Little Otik
Directed by: Jan Svankmajer
Starring: Jan Hartl (Karel), Veronika Zilkova (Bozena), Kristina Adamcova (Alzbetka), Jaroslava Kretschmerova (Alzbetka’s Mother), Pavel Novy (Alzbetka’s Father)
Country: Czech Republic, European Cinema
Language: Czech (English subtitles)
Runtime: 02:06:06
Genres: Anime-Animation, Bizarre, Cannibalism, Dolls, Overeating, Old-Young, Body Modification

Plot – Spoilers:
Greedy Guts, based on a Czech fairytale, follows the bizarre life of a childless couple Karel and Bozena who’ve just been rejected at an infertility clinic. The husband Karel as a sort of joke digs up a bit of a tree that resembles a baby and presents it to his wife. But she takes it seriously and starts caring for it like it were her real child, Otik.

Keeping a close eye on the couple is a little girl Alzbetka who’s bored and lonely, being the only child in the building. She soon gets obsessed with being friends with the strange baby that the couple keeps possessively hidden from nosy neighbors. When Alzbetka is not busy spying on the couple, she’s trying to get away from an old pedophile who lives upstairs.

The lives of all the residents soon hits the macabre as little Otik develops a massive appetite.

Greedy Guts is a work of wonder and mastery by the Czech master Jan Svankmajer. When it’s not darkly comedic in its view on childlessness and pedophilia, it conjures up memorable scenes of pure WTFery – like a scene where babies are sold like fish, wrapped in newspapers.

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October 8, 2023 2:51 pm

Otesanek was played by Woody Harrelson

La Angelita
La Angelita
July 4, 2023 4:51 pm

I loved this movie since I was young. It nearly brought me to tears then and now. I feel so sorry for the baby, it’s not his fault he couldn’t control his hunger and if anything I feel it was the parents fault for not finding a better solution. After all I say this movie was done w great taste and it shows us how real these things are in life, besides the folklore.

Master Ted
Master Ted
November 11, 2022 2:19 am

All women r cunts cos they got them to. There all skanks and good 4 nothing

Edgelord Mike Tyson
Edgelord Mike Tyson
November 10, 2022 10:30 pm

Yo u useless pricks any good movie to recommend around here?

December 16, 2021 7:05 pm

Fairy tales in a good screenplay

November 1, 2021 11:47 pm

Came here to watch weird ass Czech movies, not look up a little girl’s skirt!!!

August 21, 2021 4:36 am

It’s too bad they couldn’t give the movie an ending. Pretty funny otherwise

July 7, 2021 1:19 am

This is a spoiler

I think it’s dad’s fault for bringing a log to his insane wife, knowing how eager she was for a baby. He did it with every intention and then acts like it wasn’t his idea.

I know this is a fairy tale, but I don’t understand why the girl is so attached to helping otik, knowing what the tale was like.

May 6, 2021 2:09 am

the baby sounds and images at the beginning triggered my fight or flight mode

April 23, 2021 10:01 pm

I can handle pretty much anything like most people here, but honestly there should be a warning for shit that has ampllified slurping and chewing sounds. Im gonna go repeatedly bang my head off a sidewalk now.

big drip
big drip
April 1, 2021 10:44 am

All in all a brilliant film!

Porusniuc Adina
Porusniuc Adina
March 31, 2021 11:25 pm

Thank you Admin for the movie!I like all the movies of Jan Svankmajer

Happy careerist
Happy careerist
March 31, 2021 1:23 am

More people are actually choosing to not have children chase they realized life is actually much easier without them all the money and time and freedom for themselves looking younger than most exhausted parents :p

January 28, 2021 3:41 am

The Grifter hmmm

Robin Wils
Robin Wils
January 25, 2021 10:30 pm

I watched Lunacy a bit back. Now I watched this. Wow, I am impressed. I am going to check out more from this director. I am convinced that he has more cool stuff.

About this movie, give it a period to start. It is beautifully weird. I found it pretty funny. You could call it a so bad it is good movie in way. It is great! It is not really effed up in my opinion though, but that’s fine.

July 5, 2020 12:22 am

It a fairy tale…Great acting by all involved.

June 29, 2020 6:49 pm

I love this movie so much !!
I think this is one of best movies of Jan Svankmajer (at least, compared to “Lunacy”(2005)).
Alot of weird/surreal scenes, I really liked Alžbetka and Karel (poor him).
Will watch it again, I recommend !! >:^]

June 2, 2020 7:56 pm

She want´s to get pregnant?
Knock on wood.

October 24, 2019 9:02 pm

I feel bad for the dad. He was right. He was 100% right and knew exactly when he made a mistake. Alzbetka is an idiot. I’m a little over halfway through, and her idiocy almost makes me wish she dies.