Naked Fear (2007)
AKA: –
Directed by: Thom Eberhardt
Starring: Danielle De Luca (Diana) J.D. Garfield (Colin), Arron Shiver (Dwight), Joe Mantegna (Sheriff)
Country: USA; Effed Up American Films
Language: English
Runtime: 01:43:34
Genres: Based on a True Story, Sexual-Violence against Women, Captivity-Kidnapping, Serial Killer, Strippers-Prostitutes, Cops
Plot – Spoilers:
Women are disappearing in a New Mexico town that already boasts a low female-to-male ratio, but the cops couldn’t be bothered as the missing women are the transient-type or hookers.
Arriving new into town is Diana, who won some dance contest a while back and now thinks the world is filled with people waiting to carry her luggage. She’s mostly in town for a short stint as part of what she believes is a promising career eventually destined for Vegas. The first reality she learns about how the world works out for a lot of people is when she finds that her new job is at the local seedy strip bar.
There’s also a new deputy in town who isn’t crazy about the buddy culture there, but he tries to fit in by accompanying the guys when they go hunting in the wilderness, of which, there is plenty. This wilderness, as we are shown early into the movie, is also the hunting ground for a serial killer, who likes to release naked women into the emptiness before tracking them, often with a crossbow.
Naked Fear based on serial killer, Robert Hansen, looks like a b-movie but feels better than that. Maybe because of the oddly attractive Danielle De Luca, who in an added bonus, also runs around naked during large chunks of it.
Too bad Diana wasnt a little boy
I fell in love with Diana. Because of her I watch this movie over and over again. If I was the hunter I had presented a different gun.
And when the hunter becomes the hunted and yet another vigilante ending.
yes i was always bored, movies aren’t that bad. this one, yes.
This movie had the potential to be at least watchable from the beginning, but crashed and burned during the part of Diana’s survival in the wilderness, particularly when she knocked her hunter out but decided to leave him there with his gun, and then a bunch of stupid shit follows. The end was just a total no. Fuck this movie bro.
Unworthy wast of time
I broke my edge steak
Had to update my top 50 on EUM. Not included are super well known films like “The Exorcist,” “A Clockwork Orange,” “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” “A Serbian Film,” “Carrie,” etc. even though they are wonderful films. It starts with my top 10 then the rest are in no particular order. 1, 7 Days (2010) 2. Alleluia (2014) 3. Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007) 4. Buoyancy (2019) 5. Dogs Don’t Wear Pants (2019) 6. The Golden Glove (2019) 7. Henry 2: Portrait of a Serial Killer – Mask of Sanity (1996) 8. The Painted Bird (2019) 9. Strella (2009) 10. Suntan (2016) 11. Der Nachtmahr (2015) 12. Basket Case 1 (1982) 13. Euthanizer (2017) 14. Eyes Of My Mother (2016) 15. Hated: GG Allin & The Murder Junkies (1993) 16. The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael (2005) 17. Halley (2012) 18. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) 19. Antares (2004) 20. Honeymoon (2014) 21. Hope (2013) 22. Identity (2003) 24. Inside (2007) 25. Lilya 4-ever (2002) 26. Piano Teacher (2001) 27. The Machinist (2004) 28. Miss Violence (2013) 29. Antichrist (2009) 30. No Child of Mine (1997) 31. Nobody Knows (2004) 32. Orozco The Embalmer (2001) 33. Baise-moi (2000) 34. Cargo 200 (2007) 35. Princess (2014) 36. Profane (2011) 37. Scum (1979) 38. Der Bunker (2015) 39. The Snowtown Murders (2011) 40. Calvaire (2004) 41. Dead Man’s Shoes (2004) 42. Thanatomorphose (2012) 43. Thief Or Reality (2001) 44. Triangle (2009) 45. Variety (1983) 46. Granny’s Dancing… Read more »
Its ok, nothing special imo. For me, the most distressing moment was when Diana finds a t-shirt in the wilderness. 2.5/5 band aid tins.
Same ass movie I’ve seen before
Not bad actually. It’s fun to see a younger Mantegna speaking in a southern accent.
Best movie I’ve seen on this site!
Bar none
Edge of the seat type movie.
Ending was awesome.
Kudos to the film director
But how do you thank someone
Who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn’t easy, but I’ll try
If you wanted the sky
I would write across the sky in letters
That would soar a thousand feet high
“To sir, with love”
She is out in the desert with no clothes, almost gets bit by a rattlesnake, beans the bad guy off the head with a rock, knocks him out cold and doesn’t take his gun? She doesn’t break both his ankles and torture him for even 5 minutes? Then when she is recused she becomes catatonic and can’t explain what happened. Perfect timing. Later she stabs him in the leg but doesn’t keep the knife. I mean really, why would it be a good idea to have a weapon anyway, right? This is a half comedy/half serious film, like a cross between “Miss Meadows” and the chase scene in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” I liked the ending though and she is cute as hell. It’s ok but it sucks too. 2 stars.
2nd i guess…. lol Anyway as much as i always look foward to & appreciate a new movie, I’ll just say this, don’t bother with this one & just watch ON FROZEN GROUND with, Nic cage, John Cusak & Vanessa Hudgens.
If you have any interest in the true story of Robert Hansen & his crimes then OFG is not just a far superior film, but an accurate & just better all round better movie & far more enjoyable.
If you havent seen either, skip this one & go for On frozen ground, you’ll find it far more rewarding, just my opinion of course & you know what they say about those…