Nobody Knows (2004)
AKA: Dare Mo Shiranai
Directed by: Hirokazu Koreeda
Starring: Yuya Yagira (Akira), Ayu Kitaura (Kyoko), Hiei Kimura (Shigeru), Momoko Shimizu (Yuki), You (Mother), Hanae Kan (Saki)
Country: Japan; Effed Up Asian Movies
Language: Japanese (Eng Subs); Effed Up Japanese Cinema
Runtime: 02:20:36
Genres: Based on a True Story, Childhood, Misery-Depressing
Plot – Spoilers:
A mother and her 12-year-old son move into a Tokyo apartment. As they unpack, out from their suitcases pop a couple of kids. The kids were transported locked and hidden in the bags, because of previous trouble finding accommodation. In all, there are four kids, each with likely a different father. There are strict rules on behavior, enforced by mom, and it’s suggested that some of these in the past were creative and included enemas and eating peppers.
The rules are simple – only the oldest boy, Akira, is allowed out. The rest have to stay in all day and night, and not even venture into the balcony. And why should they. They don’t go to school and aren’t encouraged to socialize with other kids anyway.
The kids are well-trained and know better to always smile in the darkest and most restrictive of times. Mother too seems nice when rules are being followed, until she finds a new love and ups and leaves. The goodbye-note carries a little money and a promise to return. The onus is now on Akira to juggle the finances ignoring the arcade temptingly nearby, and to also keep spirits up during the cold winter where a birthday treat for the littlest girl is to step outside wearing her favorite squeaky shoes
Massive Spoilers:
Based on a true story that had a more grim event in it – the smallest child was killed by the oldest boy’s friend whom he then assisted in burying the body. But despite not going there, and its 2.5 hour length, Nobody Knows never bores or tires of holding on to its bleakness. And this is mostly down to the extraordinary achievement by the director in extracting natural performances from all the kids.
What a shitty ass mother she deserves hell for that neglection
what do u call a bunch of cunts?
hitler was a cunt
“For the introduction of a socialist economy is more than a ‘decree’! It requires a moral understanding, an ethical conviction, a religious profession of faith! For in its innermost essence, it is a turning away from the idolatry of previous millennia, the overcoming of a monetary system already attacked by MOSES AND CHRIST, which could be maintained to the present day only by keeping people stupid and terrorizing them, and by a mendacious sanctimoniousness. To bring about this powerful revolution is our mission; to prevent it, on the other hand, is the intention and perhaps already the task assigned to Schacht.”
— Adolf Hitler, in Otto Wagener’s Memoirs of a Confidant, p. 263
is there a treacle to this?
great movie. wanted to see how that deadbeat mother ended up with.
why didnt this win best oscar?
why is the poster in korean? good movie tho. not the type i usually watch, but i liked it
ive repeatedly asked people what happens at the end but nobody knows
Great story. Interesting flick. Schmaltzy ending.
Single mothers always doing the wrong thing.
Super depressing… May those poor souls find peace – all over the world.
Turkey and Korea are brothers11111111111111111
i hate breeders! most of the people on this earth should be sterilized, only those who show good parenting skills (and not a fucked up dna full of mutations that could create a defective suffering child) should be allowed to breed
kids being life sucking burdens nothing new. The losers who pop out kids they can’t care for are the ones to blame tho
It’s pride month yaaayyy come & Jack your Weiner’s in my face,cover me in your spooge oh goddamn it yeeeah woooooooo Stroke me Ed,harder baby holy fuck im living my best life boo oooh ya cum,cum harder Richard,stuff it up my hole,oh for the love of gay cry babies & preteen faggots owww lord cum you cowards awwww im so TRIGGERED OOH
Having now watched all 31 Elvis films I can officially say that Harum Scarum is by far the worst. I am off to soothe my sore member from enjoying too much go-go action.
We need to band together and keep pedophiles like Steve off the internet. He is a complete disgrace to humanity and a sad excuse of an existence. Say bye bye to Pedo Steve!
i asked whether anybody had heard of this film – apparently nobody knows
Is putting on a condom harder than rocket science itself? We are headed the very wrong way folks
Japanese kids are the best sexual partners of all the Asian countries,especially the 6 to 8 age group,so tight,accommodates my 2 inch pecker nicely
-Steveo the pedo-Adeventures in the orient
I’d like to analy violate those kids & spunk in their cherub faces
utter shyt 5 stars WTF
Damn that was depressing. Patience is needed due to the length of the film but I feel that the endurance of misery that they had/still have to face is enhanced by that. That last shoe squeak really bummed me out. 5 stars. If you are looking for blood and gore or tits and ass this isn’t the one for you.
Koreeda has a bunch of good movies. This is one of them.
I hate people
whats to know?