Tumbling Doll of Flesh (1998)
AKA: Niku Daruma; Psycho: The Snuff Files; Psycho: The Snuff Reels; Judge For Yourself
Directed by: Tamakichi Anaru
Starring: Kanako Ooba (Kana), Kikurin (Kiku), Tamakichi Anaru (Director), Yuuji Kitano (Cameraman)
Country: Japan, Asian Cinema
Language: Japanese (English Subs)
Runtime: 01:09:45
Genres: Gore-Gruesome-Splatter, Porno-Themed, Violence against Men, Sexual-Violence against Women, Snuff, Torture, Necrophilia
Plot – Spoilers:
A couple of amateur actors agree to shoot a porn film. The director explains to them that it will begin as a regular porn flick, before incorporating elements of S&M. The actress Kana who is due to bear the brunt of the S&M agrees, but as the shoot moves on, she expresses her discomfort and reluctance.
The crew attempt to move through anal-play, wax-play, flogging and enemas, but Kana reveals she has zero experience in them, to the growing irritation of the director. The male actor Kiku, keeps a submissive safe distance from the action and obediently follows orders. In the end it doesn’t matter.
Tumbling Doll of Flesh is truly one of the nastiest movies ever made and is confident in its ability to taunt your resilience as a fucked up movies fan.
About the runtime:
There’s been speculation in the comments about this and allegations that we cut something out. Copypastaing what has been clarified multiple times.
To everyone speculating how this isn’t the full version:
This is the full version. You might be able to find a fuller version, but that is longer by a couple minutes because it includes the trailer to Women’s Flesh at the end. We cut that out here.
Also, it’s unlikely you will find a version with subtitles because we made the subtitles ourselves, after taking help from someone who knew a little Japanese.
simultaneously dumb and excellent, why do the japanese go there.like why.anyways the fake gore was great the slapstick weak violence was better.moved rlly fast i didnt really get the leap but fun gore all the same great fake blood
the Japanese are crazy, how do u even think of this?
Địt mẹ cái này đéo phải diễn nữa r
damn it takes so long
Nhìn tởm quá nhưng nữ chính ngon thật
I wasted my time , this movie is so fucking boring
Only disturbing part about the movie was that the male porn actor died. Other than that I couldn’t feel sorry for the female porn actor because she clearly had it coming to her for disobeying orders from the director which was a stupid mistake for her to make.
Cái lồn má 🤯🤯😇☺️ biết vậy ngủ cho lành😭😭
Just watch last 20 minutes. First 40 is just straight up porn. And you need to be such a loser to watch porn LOL. This movie is so slow, that you need to be extremely patient to watch it. I had nothing else to do, so I watched it, but it’s boring.
Sợ vl
Wtf? The movie is so bad and boring. The stupid director couldn’t even figure out how to handle the tongue perfectly and how to cut the body parts smoothly. The idea of the internal organs is so boring. Overall rating 1/10. Why do people find this movie so disgusting? It’s not even a part of Women flesh my red guts
Mấy thằng lồn chúng mày đéo phải con người à
anyone else getting through a horror iceberg tier list as well??
Mấy thằng lồn vô nhân đạo
Wtf is that I wanna clean my eyes
the censorship of the genitals is so hilarious
What The Fuck i’m watching
you know this was actually all real and the men behing it were arrested right? and you still watch this kind of stuff??
i like japanese girls
bro is it normal enjoying these things as a 14 yo girl?
this shit was hillarious
I should call her…
Yeah, this is definitely the full version.
I saw this on YouTube of all places back in 2013. They were lawless. Netflix had Emanuelle on it in 2010.
I digress. I say it’s the full version because even back then, it had the Aroma beginning, and the trailer for Women’s Flesh then as well.
Fucking censored shootings
The filming of the porno scenes lends it an almost documentary feel that raises the impact of the film when it quickly switched to S&M and then torture. Uses its 1 hour 9 minutes very well. A brutal film. 3.5/5 wax candles.
It was ok until 2:16 then it was over for me. How can the Japanese be quite happy to show all kinds of gore and torture yet censor anything below the waist? It’s crazy.
i love the gore/splatter part!!
Ne gysto pero es faldo xddd
Thank you for supplying the subtitles!
This is the film that brought me here. Good storybuilding. The routine manner and patter gives a sort of “banality of evil” to what’s obviously routine for these people. Snuff does exist btw, search Russian snuff arrest.
I also like the end credits song covering The Damned’s Neat Neat Neat.
its not that bad, i found it boring
Disturbing movie ngl, the acting is good and the gore is realistic. I give a 7,6/10
Gotta love how they censor genitals, but nothing else.
I would give my right leg to see TDOF 2 😉 Can’t seem to find it anywhere online
The male “film star” in this,a frustrating dense motherfucker,seeing him finally get offed was somewhat of a relief & I don’t buy that he was scared & under duress or any of that shit,just a fuckin weak cunt
the moment that I decided not to waste time on this movie was when I found out it’s being promoted by idiots from tiktok
lmao why is everyone here from tiktok 💀 and how the hell do you think this is real like geniune question like the tongue part and the girl getting hit with a bat was so fake it was funny
anyways this film along with Women’s Flesh my Red Guts was painfully boring. I watch these films to see how disturbed people can be, and I don’t understand what’s hot about this💀 I know there’s better gore films out there cmon do better this “movie” was so boring
Garbage,drags on way to much
It takes forever to load…is it worth it?
Came from YouTube lol. Wtf Is this bro
“is this real??” go back to tiktok and stay there you retards
the only words for these men that tortured this poor girl: i want u to get tortured for a month but still survive and never helped and if u could never but feel pain GOOD then u can be tortured even more and never die how abt teeth knocked out and orangs taken out and amazing if u cant scream u feel pain lil ass whores (idk if its to extreme
i like gore but this is just the limit for me
im glad the sex parts (like privates) are blured
q guapo el de pelo largo, amé la peli
Quite realistic representation of typicial incels or losers who cant satisfy a woman doesnt just feel the same about you: make her a living doll and inflict pain on someone weaker than you. I truly hope all rapists and pedophiles like you burn in hell.
in which YOU WILL.
My left ear is enjoying this.. I hate one sided audio..
Not bad! I think this movie was done pretty well in terms of fake snuff movies I personally think guinea pig 2 was more gorey than this, but that wound fucking scene was pretty gross.
Loved this movie. I might be a bit fucked in the head but fuck.. when he licked her tongue and called her a good girl.. and was just extremely hot and protective, damn. Idk if I want to be with him or be him. I’m not gay but I kinda am for him. I’d let him bite my tongue any day.
the boy with the long hair Is kinda hot
here from tiktok bahah
Ehm the movie was fucked up but i was sad that the most of the scenes was corn scenes???? anyways stan loona
Did they kill kiku?
id let them do that to me honestly