Coma-Brutal Duel (1999)

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Avg Rating: 3.2 / 5. Voted: 30

No one cared thus far. Do you?

AKA: Das Komabrutale Duell
Directed by: Heiko Fipper
Starring: Heiko Fipper, Stefan Hoft, Mike Hoffman,, Stephan Fipper, Andreio Fiore
Country: Germany; Effed Up European Films
Language: German; Effed Up German Movies
Runtime: 01:25:15
Genres: Gore-Gruesome-Splatter, Torture, Violence against Men, Violence against Women, Revenge, Zombies

Plot – Spoilers:
Men punch each other, get shot, then continue to punch the pissing gore out of each other, until a chainsaw attempts to ends it all. This early scene pretty much sums up this legendary grimy German gorefest, where everyone seems to find it hard to just die, how much ever fucked up they get.

The practical effects are mostly great even through all the blurry grains. Seriously, there are stills and moments here that could have wound up in one of those shockumentaries from the ’90s. As for the plot, fuck it. Doubt even the makers gave a shit about trying to find one. The violence is unrelenting, pausing briefly only for unforgettable moments like a sophisticated brain transplant. And should you tire of the old ultraviolence between men, a couple of pregnant women are introduced, just for diversity.

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May 28, 2023 5:32 am

Gnarly movie, glad I get to see even more gore-gruesome-splatter movies, turns me up each time.

Brandon Faulkyu
Brandon Faulkyu
May 5, 2023 1:39 am

Oh damn, I guess we got a few people shitting on the people that talk about this movie and how straight up garbage it is and how bad the trash effects are. That description is a bold faced lie. Nothing great here, just a movie that’s about as entertaining as watching paint dry no joke. Wonder how many little sad faces I’m gonna get. 😂

Brandon Faulkyu
Brandon Faulkyu
May 5, 2023 1:32 am

Oh wow 1999 as well? These effects are shit. Whoever wrote the description and said the practical effects are great and that scenes are freakin comparable to 90s shockumentaries is a liar. These effects are shit. Especially shit for 1999, Jesus christ driller killer had better practical effects and that shit was made back in 1979, 2 fuckin decades before this. Like one scene after another of just straight up blatantly obvious props. Where the guy gets shot in the head, look at that skin, real life like huh? And look at that perfect square that was shot into his face? Stupid, then to the super obvious prop hand being drilled into, etc. I highly recommend avoiding this junk. That’s all this is. There’s nothing special or good, even that good bad. It’s just pure garbage. I haven’t ran into a movie this unwatchable since the hood has eyez.

March 5, 2023 12:59 pm

Hey Joey suck on my weiner,you got any kids,they can suck on it too,actually you sound like you’re about 12 so probably no children for you,as you are a kid yourself,want to make yourself a 20…maybe 40 if my boy Steve is up for it,hear me out,how would you like me….& possibly my best friend to fuck you up the ass? Even give you a reach around,after all we’re not selfish,think about it,another 10 each to suck our cocks,let us know Joey

March 5, 2023 9:09 am

Does this site even have admins anymore? Can y’all clean up the fucking garbage that the comments section has turned into, please? Just angry psychopaths calling eachother pedos back and forth, over and over and over and over and over. Fucking sort it out!

March 5, 2023 1:24 am

Id sure love to ram my dick into a little asshole like you whining gaywads – it would feel so good and tight.

A concerned friend
A concerned friend
March 4, 2023 11:47 am

Steve,if you’re out there I’m very CONCERNED MY ONCE GOOD FRIEND I tested positive for HIV about 18 months ago,about the time you savagely punished my asshoke during one of our more heated love making sessions,I know it was you I got it off,well it’s turned to full blown AIDS now,I only have 3 months to live,I think it be wise you tell & warn all the children & other lovers you have,I was gonna tell your mum & brother,after the 3 way had last night,be as you told me you fuck them on the regular,then anything they get is from you & it’s your problem,but don’t be selfish,you’ve robbed many children of the chance to grow up & experience a full life,you selfish ass fucker Ed

Matisse Famke
Matisse Famke
March 3, 2023 7:28 pm

The dismal quality portrayed in this abysmal picture is beyond reproach for one to self-extract their bicuspids to compensate for their lost time of preserved anticipation for fulfillment.

A concerned friend
A concerned friend
March 3, 2023 1:25 pm

Actually my user name is bullshit,I have no friends & am only ” concerned ” about ejaculating in children’s anuses,10 years or younger,preferably boys but I take what I can get,my BF Richard & I are after (not even willing) drugged preteens & preferably gay cry babies to fuck & suck,hit my buddy Ed with the Dee’s cheese loves

Vampire Cat
Vampire Cat
March 3, 2023 3:52 am

that chainsaw can cut through anything. anything that is except fingers.

Grubby Priapism
Grubby Priapism
March 2, 2023 9:26 am

Not that I can find the original post but someone mentioned Swallowed, 2022 was worth watching. It has a nice story but falls down on some of the plot. Why would anyone use a cottage for the mule extraction. Especially if the locals are not so happy about it. Plus they already had a decent place elsewhere.
I am also not sure if you can truly fist a person so easily. I remember never succeeding after hours of play.
Lastly the place where two bodies were finally put to rest must have been massive and not knowing about how big these holes are normally I wonder if they would accomodate. My outdoor experience is a four foot deep one foot square. Just enough to last a weekend.

February 28, 2023 5:43 am

Just a shout out to my lovers on here,go get yourselves & especially your kids tested,unfortunately I have full blown AIDS,ive known since the HIV stage,but you know I figured it would go away after a while…….evidently not

February 28, 2023 1:57 am

Hi fellow pedo-Steve hater

Maybe we could work something together if youre ambitious enough when it comes to taking down pedos i know i am but we must start with pliers and hexing

Peter Rose
Peter Rose
February 27, 2023 3:39 pm

Ihr seid echt alle kleine schwule schweinhunde die zum Teufel gehen sollte mit eure bloede kommentare

Peter Rose
Peter Rose
February 27, 2023 3:37 pm

echt ne tolle sache

February 26, 2023 6:40 pm

The pathetic fake fred fat needs to get a life and you’re all a bunch of gay pussies.

Marigold Mahem
Marigold Mahem
February 26, 2023 3:00 pm

Although it has a fantastic amount of blood and guts its a dull watch. I was lost who was in whos gang and really did not care who won. Actually I am unsure if anyone did. The highlight for me was the stamping out of the twins.

Anti Nowhere League
Anti Nowhere League
February 26, 2023 4:39 am

I hate people

February 26, 2023 4:29 am

This is not the real fred fat I’m sure. This one is the pathetic impersonator who goes around trying to be funny but ends up only as funny as his penis.

fred fat
fred fat
February 26, 2023 12:34 am

this movie is bad enough to put me into a brutal coma without trying to duel it out

Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard
February 26, 2023 12:01 am

This one doesn’t work for me. 1 star.

February 25, 2023 8:41 pm

Over the top SOV German splatter fest,from the guy that directed OSTERMONTAG,good beer & pizza flick