Sexual Chronicles of a French Family (2012)
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AKA: –
Directed by: Pascal Arnold, Jean-Marc Barr
Starring: Mathias Melloul (Romain), Valérie Maës (Mother), Stephan Hersoen (Father), Leïla Denio (Marie), Nathan Duval (Pierre), Adeline Rebeillard (Coralie), Yan Brian (Grandfather), Grégory Annoni (Marie’s boyfriend)
Country: France; Effed Up European Films
Language: French; Effed Up French Cinema
Runtime: 01:25:03
Genres: Siblings-Family, Unsimulated Sex, Prostitute character, Teenager
Plot – Spoilers:
Romain is distraught that he’s the only one in the family who’s not getting laid. Having recently turned the landmark 18 and still virgin, he often breaks down in sobs. Even his old grandfather is getting it.
And that’s all this film is about. It’s literally the sexual chronicles of a French family that aspires to be happy.
Pretty boring, even the sex scenes
Well I “came” for the drama, but stayed for the sex… cause that was pretty much the entire movie.
Fascinating how the whole family was getting it on. No incest, but everything else…. Kept my attention thru out, didn’t want to miss anything. Thanks again EU, you’re the best.
pretty sure i was watching porn
This is a Hott Film.
hateable main character, overall stupid movie
Soft core porn. No incest, no facials, no plot. They even use rubbers. Yawn. 1 star.
o cara de tatuagem nas costas é maravilhoso pena que não uma interação gay
Easy to find some sympathy for Romain. A good number of us growing up would have experienced hormones running wild with nowhere to go but all’s well that ends well.
The Two Guys messing round sexually with the one girl this is known as BI-sexual as the two guys like being with each other, and even end up having sex and blowjob each other the one girl with both men like this meaning that both men are part Gay but also like to be with a girl, same as girls when there are two girls and one guy, there is a lot of BI-Guys out there, some married and some even have girlfriend, but not many know about their guys and what they get up to, in secret, same with the girls, both these sexes get up to a lot of things in secret. As for incest, this has been around for million to billions of yrs, its even in all the religious so called books, like the bible, where everyone is told, that God Created the Earth, then he created al the creatures upon the earth and then he took clay from the earth and made man in his own image, and breath life into the clay molding, and called him Adam and then he took a rib from Adam and some clay and made women for Adam, called her Eve, they then both had, 10 son’s and 18 daughters, take your time answering this one, if god only created Adam and Eve and they then had 10 sons and 18 daughters, where did everyone else come from? if is not for incest with each other? so in the… Read more »
I love France and Japan. both are the best perverts when it comes to Cinema.
whats so bad about incest? i mean as long as they dont get any children you shouldnt give a damn. mind your own business,,
Wtf is wrong with people in the comments and this is literally just porn
I am fucking horny girl can’t deal the grueling monotony do u wanna fuck me hard & cum inside my delicate exquisite pussy or do u want to cum inside my prerequisite mouth and swallow your cream, If you project malfeasance and reproach unto me, I shall requite accordingly u will get what you deserve. If you are looking for an explicit magnific adventure inside my bed chamber, then add me SNAPCHAT: MATISSE 👉👌😚
pretty good movie a lot of nude people but still a good movie not a waste of time ..the young kid got lucky beautiful girlfriend who likes to fuck and a very cool Mom and Dad to boot it
I’ve lost the incest part, who fucked who and when, I missed it
There are no incest laws in France this movie isn’t surprising. French love a good family fuck
As an only-child that ended up getting a step-sister right before puberty hit, I was the luckiest motherfucker in the world. I took advantage of that shit, and copped a feel every time I saw her. Because my step dad didnt have an extra bedroom, we even slept in the same bed for the longest time. I also got her to facesit me, and presented it as a “punishment” for whoever lost at rock paper scissors. Y’all faggots will never know this feeling, it was bliss.
French are sick incestious bastards sister fucks brotber everyone is fucking each otber
why are the french always horny for incestish stuff lol
Fuck you Fred fat,you bloated tosser