100 Years of Adolf Hitler (1989)
AKA: 100 Jahre Adolf Hitler – Die letzte Stunde im Führerbunker, 100 Years of Adolf Hitler – The Last Hour in the Führerbunker
Year: 1989
Directed by: Christoph Schlingensief
Starring: Udo Kier (Hitler), Margit Carstensen (Martha Goebbels), Volker Spengler (Fegelein)
Country: Germany, European Cinema
Language: German (English Subtitles)
Runtime: 00:54:06
Genres: Bizarre, Nazism, Incest, Based on a True Story, Military
Plot – Spoilers:
100 Years of Adolf Hitler was the first in Christoph Schlingensief’s Germany Trilogy and is his usual bizarre take on the final hour in Hitler’s bunker. The title comes from the fact that it was made in 1989, the 100th Birth Anniversary of Adolf Hitler.
The bunker where it is set, is an actual WW II bunker and remains unlit throughout – the only source of light is a flashlight, and this aids the confusion and chaos of the final hour as the end seems nigh.
Present in the bunker with Hitler are Eva Braun who appears to hate him and is in a relationship with Martha Goebbels and Fegelein. Goebbels, Bormann, Göring and Fegelein are involved in a power struggle as they foresee Hitler’s imminent demise. Dr. Morell, Hitler’s physician, is depicted as a woman here who feeds his morphine addiction. Goebbels and his daughter are in an incestuous relationship while Udo Kier plays Hitler restrained and as someone distant and preoccupied.
This like the others in the Trilogy is loud and chaotic but has a little more of a running plot.
This movie is absolute trash. I could not proceed past the first 10 minutes. Real amateurish too like seeing the cameraman’s shadow constantly and having the literal take prop left unedited in the scene. Dunno if it’s intentional but it’s so bad and lazy. Movies just garbage and boring also. Can’t think of anyone actually getting some enjoyment from this.
I have so many questions after watching this. Why is that guy obsessed with fucking? Why are the 2 woman constantly screaming and grunting? How historically accurate is this? Is my teacher allowing this as a good source for my history project? This was a WTF moment. 1/10
Not gonna watch the movie, but I know exactly what the comments are. Get ready for some dead beat 50 year olds to reply with “faggot” “kys” “dickcheese” or some actual essay.
Well, I suppose it meets the criteria of being an Effed Up Movie.. glhf 👀
Too many people are becoming dangerously infatuated with Adolf Hitler! That was then & there, this is here & now, and our here & now involves accepting difference in the human species! It’s not just multi-ethnic, and multi-culture, but multi-psychology as well.
udo kier in this movie is hot
what the fukc
hitler was an underachiever – stalin and mao much better
the psychiatric hospital experience; are you experienced?
btw the guy playing hitler is pretty handsome
Ironically one of the least fucked Hitler films
celebrating 100 years of Jackie Chan
Good Luck
lmao your website is terrible and most of its workers on linkedin are hidden from public
can someone explain to me why eva braun and the other blonde lady are like. screaming and groaning the whole movie? are they schizos What Is Going On
I don’t think they ever get over loosing the war…..Same as Japanese….these 2 nations are very proud of themselves.
wtf did i just watch
Poor plot, great stache!
Don’t agree w/ HAPPYCOW333 : sure, the movie is ,,,, uh, not a masterpiece, I couldn’t figure it out who was who (except Adolf and the women), I don’t think there’s a plot, the pace is sluggish, but still, I still liked it (somehow, Idk).
This movie is eccentric/burlesque at best and absurd/grotesque at worst.
I wouldn’t recommend this, unless if you like bizzaro/outlandish/peculiar movie about nazis in a Bunker. >:^]
This movie was absolutely horrible. I don’t recommend it what so ever.