Caligula (1979)

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Avg Rating: 4.3 / 5. Voted: 193

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Directed by: Tinto Brass
Starring: Malcolm McDowell (Caligula), Teresa Ann Savoy (Drusilla), Helen Mirren (Caesonia), Peter O’Toole (Tiberius)
Country: Italy, European Cinema
Language: English
Runtime: 02:35:58
Genres: Based on a True Story, Rape-Sexual-Violence against Women, Torture, Sexual-Violence against Men, Relationship with Animals, Incest, Siblings-Family, Gay-CrossDressing-Transsexual, Unsimulated Sex

Plot – Spoilers:
Based on the Roman emperor Caligula who ruled for four years, the movie attempts to capture the debauchery and perversions that are alleged to have characterized Caligula’s reign as he descended into madness.

The young Caligula spends his time nursing ambitions of one day becoming Caesar without really educating himself in the military and political nous required to establish a legacy. Instead, he frolicks the days away in an incestuous relationship with his sister, while becoming more and more convinced he is blessed with the divine. When his (adopted) grandfather and Emperor shows signs of decay, Caligula quickly seizes power and attempts to crush the Senate. What follows are the whims of a man who sets no boundaries.

The cut featured here is the uncut version with porno scenes (not directed by Tinto Brass) that seek to capture the debauchery of Caligula’s reign. Malcolm McDowell brings a bit of A Clockwork Orange into some scenes and is expectedly brilliant, once again.

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August 30, 2024 2:48 pm

I just saw the brand new “Caligula the Ultimate Cut” which was interesting, but I liked the 1979 version with the porn better. The genius of Bob Guccione was that he made the porn fit in with the rest of the film so even though it was shocking, it somehow was right for it. The porn is poetic as well, beautiful and erotic. The best scene is the double blowjob that ends the imperial bordello sequence. I don’t think any film has portrayed a blowjob in such an erotic open and intense way. I think it is because Guccione filmed the enjoyment of both women who are giving the blowjob and then the absolute enjoyment of the person being serviced. It’s all out there in the open with no shame!

March 14, 2024 3:28 am

I watch it for the porn, just to bust a nut. Nothing else… Hahaha

October 1, 2022 2:24 am

Mark 8:36? – The Whole World

Mike Tython
Mike Tython
June 13, 2022 4:45 am

tathty morthel, i like thith movie it maketh me think of my momth thithter in thlovakia

June 12, 2022 4:31 pm

Still disturbingly amazing…re-watching it at the age of 54!

May 10, 2022 12:30 pm

This film lives up to the hype, it is brutal. worth the watch for sure!!!

March 27, 2022 3:01 pm

A god you say….well, Caligula by a different name is Patrik Karlson (aka. “Robert”) [LFO, 2013].

January 11, 2022 11:21 am

I know I’m supposed to love this film, like all the cool kids do, but I couldn’t make it past 31 minutes. Omg, the most boring shit I’ve ever had the misfortune of wasting my time on. I could’ve rode it out for the porn scenes, but it’s 70’s porn, so I already know I’m not missing out. At ALL.
Watch it just to say you did, or spend your valuable time doing literally anything else. This movie sucks.

January 6, 2022 4:59 pm

Honestly felt like i was watching kubricks film overall pretty gud

September 7, 2021 3:37 am

To be honest I was pretty bored with this film i was expecting something more twisted

The White Horseman
The White Horseman
August 30, 2021 4:05 am

I really love this movie

Mike Tyron
Mike Tyron
August 17, 2021 1:05 pm

Amazing and very scenographic movie, after all it’s obvious that two artists like Tinto Brass and Bob Guccione would have made an amazing movie like that. Malcolm McDowell represents very well the character of Caligula, of an emperor who lived alife full of excesses without giving a f*ck about anything. Amazing movie!!

July 24, 2021 2:00 am


Kahn V
Kahn V
April 14, 2021 7:01 am

The movie is amazing to watch I really enjoyed it Caligula deserved death because he was heartless hahahaha hail Cesar lol

Zed Man
Zed Man
March 6, 2021 10:23 am

Upon its release in 79 this was one of the most controversial movies of its time even though the uncut version didnt come out years later and as far as I recall only on video, it never was shown uncut in cinemas. Over the decades its shock value has diminished since there are so many unsimulated sex films circulating nowadays. There are still many versions available with varying running times. I liked because it stars Malcolm McDowell, he is a great actor,(also starred in A Clockwork Orange) and Helen Mirren in a role she would rather forget. I found it overlong and a bit boring tbh, but it had its moments where I lmfao and cringed at times. Not really riveting as above commenter Matisse said, but I must ask, is that an avatar of you or someone famous? If its you, I think you are hot, hope you dont mind me saying so. Cheers!

Matisse Famke
Matisse Famke
March 5, 2021 3:50 am

Riveting transmission.
Either affectionately or mockingly, Germanicus’ troops called the boy “Caligula,” meaning “Little Boots” or “Booties.” The nickname stuck, but Gaius reportedly hated it… xx

October 9, 2020 10:14 am

It must be the most poetic pornography I’ve ever seen, what a great man. Lived a life as he loved and fuck everything else.

August 3, 2020 11:17 pm

I was expecting to be bored out of my mind. I have to say it IS too long, but I was entertained. The acting was good, the nudity was fun, enough insanity happened to keep me engaged. Sure why not. Give it a chance.

kaas kerel
kaas kerel
August 2, 2020 9:18 am

He didn’t rule for 4 years.
He ruled for 1400 days keep your facts right
Besides its really slow with buffering

July 20, 2020 8:56 pm

Helen Mirren was (and is) hot!

Horror Buff
Horror Buff
August 24, 2019 12:43 pm

Posting this before I watch the movie

Okay, so I read the description, and this is indeed the infamous 160-minuted version of the film with all the porn scenes. I was actually looking for this version, as I was dared to watch this and A Serbian Film, which I will ATTEMPT to watch later. I was told this version is EXTREMELY sexually graphic, so I’m curious how far they go with this version.

This oughta get interesting really fast…