Murder Set Pieces (2004) – Dir Cut/Theatrical Cut

Director's Cut: Option 1Director's Cut: Option 2Theatrical Cut

Avg Rating: 4 / 5. Voted: 108

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Year: 2004
Directed by: Nick Palumbo
Starring: Sven Garrett, Jade Risser, Gunnar Hansen, Cerina Vincent, Tony Todd
Country: USA
Language: English (English subtitles)
Runtime: 01:30:59/01:45:10
Genres: Serial Killers, Rape/Sexual Violence against Women, Torture, Gore-Gruesome-Splatter, Nazism, Dolls

Plot – Spoilers:
This movie initially generated some interest for featuring cameo appearances from actors known for their iconic roles – Gunnar Hansen (Texas Chain Saw Massacre), Tony Todd (Candyman) and Cerina Vincent (Cabin Fever).

Murder Set Pieces follows a Nazi-influenced serial killer and his depraved obsession with torturing and killing hot women. These include women he has picked up or prostitutes. Picking up women seems an easy task for him given that he is well built and wealthy apart from being a photographer. Women seem eager to pose for his modelling shoots that always end up badly for them. He has a girlfriend who seems quite stupid and oblivious to his parallel life. There is also an eerie angle of danger looming for her kid sister whom he seems to have an unclear interest in.

As a movie, it is not particularly well made, but is a must watch if you’re looking for gratuitous gore and sexual violence.

About the Cuts:
The version here is the Director’s Cut. Basically, Uncut in terms of any shocking scenes. There are two other versions of Murder Set Pieces: R rated version which is also the DVD version which lost 22 minutes of footage. The other version is the Theatrical Cut which is actually longer than the one shown here and runs for 1:45:10. There is nothing extra that is effed up in it and so we chose the Director’s Cut as the theatrical version had an annoying counter running in a large strip at the bottom of the video.

Update: Have added the Theatrical Cut as requested 🙂

Favorite scenes:
From an effed up movie perspective, there are plenty of torture scenes involving sexual gratification. Two scenes in particular stand out:
1. The first one involves him beating and raping a stripper he picked up while abusing her for giving him “flirty eyes”.
2. The next is a lesbian scene where he’s in bed with two bimbettes while having sex in the dark. He slits one girls throat while the other remains unaware of what just happened until she feels the warmth of blood splashing around.

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April 8, 2024 6:25 pm

rewatching kid nostalgia again after years… its just so damn peak. nick palumbo needs to come back

hugh hefner
hugh hefner
April 2, 2024 1:32 am

This dude leaves his DNA behind every crime scene like it’s still the 70s.
And the missing kid Meg…wasn’t she killed inside the the public washroom at the park????? But she’s now reported missing??????? Has anyone checked the loo??

September 7, 2023 1:53 pm


August 6, 2023 5:46 pm

Nothing special just tons of fake blood, some heavy shite rock music (normal for a horror film) and because no one knew how to start the film they just took a bloody scene from later on and stuck it on at the beginning – another pointless idea which is usual in poor movies when they feel they are going to have to grab your attention straight away! This technique just shows a lack of imagination.

July 25, 2023 1:26 am

the quality of ladies: 4 (one point deduction for some fake boobs), the movie: 2, overall: 2.6 out of 5

December 20, 2022 2:39 am

This film is a true masterpiece. It includes cannibalism, child murder, gory violence, mass murder, necrophilia, rape, serial killing and much, much more! The beginning of the film was a little too tame for me, but when the protagonist tied the female tied to a chair, as he hammered the nails into her hands, I think made the film really come into its own, both in a creative and artistic sense. She not only screams in agony and terror, but the gory realism of the scene really drove the scene home; only further exemplified by her urination into the bucket, out of the utter fear and distress of being violently raped, tied to a chair and tortured horribly, all with a noose tied around her neck! There is even a scene where he is eating the nipples of a rotting corpse. Yummers! The scene where he drowns the woman in the bathtub was truly breathtaking! I also adore how unscrupulous the film is, as the protagonist follows a little girl into the ladies bathroom and then stabs her! But it doesn’t end there, as he is seen wiggling the knife around in her midsection, ergo giving her a slow and painful death. The scene could definitely have been improved, if he did something witchy with the corpse, such as breaking the limbs in unnatural positions. He rapes almost every woman he comes across, so it does not really make sense for her to be the exception. Another scene I found… Read more »

Regan MacNeil
Regan MacNeil
November 30, 2022 6:27 am

A good movie, but they always project such things on Germans . . . Switch the Swastika cross with a Star of David and this is practically a documentary of the Jewish mind.

August 18, 2022 12:35 am

“I need to find a different perversion. This one’s too dangerous.” – Sole survivor of adult bookstore shooting

August 16, 2022 2:52 pm

This is one of my favorite films

Lemonpop ????
Lemonpop ????
July 1, 2022 11:33 pm

Woahh this is cool 8/10 I would say

john marybeth jr
john marybeth jr
June 12, 2022 5:36 pm

the is well-made gore and there is a lot, pretty fucking good in that department , dont know why did they even bother with a story though

March 26, 2022 4:53 am

This was a fun film to watch. The playground restroom scene was my favorite.

March 14, 2022 5:10 pm

This was a good watch. The murder of the little girl was truly F-ed up. Sven Garrett was a very convincing psycho and I found myself cheering when Jade was beating on him. Could have had a better ending. Thanks guys.

January 29, 2022 6:52 am

So lame
Lasted 20 minutes
Dodgy acting and dialogue

January 16, 2022 1:49 am

This is one of those splatter movies that doesnt have any story, doesnt have any character development, the deaths feels completey unimportant because the victims dont have any character at all and the movie doesnt convey any message – but the gore is good.

December 4, 2021 8:51 am

god protect all of you cheeky bitches so that i’ll never make enough money to pull off this kinda shit. if i ever win on lotto there’ll be a body count for sure : )

September 16, 2021 8:38 am

Very good movie but I wish they could,ve left the part where he kills that little girl out of the movie

July 20, 2021 4:32 pm

This is one of my FAVORITE films! Unintentionally hilarious, plenty of well done practical gore effects (thanks to Fred Vogel and Toetag), and, if it’s your thing, really attractive women who look awesome naked. I only wish there were a proper combo of the different cuts that included everything. The theatrical cut has more plot, but it’s missing a few pretty fabulous gore moments that are in the other cut.

December 30, 2020 4:14 am

The women and the gore are great. The acting is pretty good considering this is just a naked women/gore movie. Because there is no engaging story, it does seem to go on a bit too long. But I was entertained.

December 26, 2020 10:31 am

It was a proper torture movie but they should have called it “The German Pussy Waster” instead. Just wondering with that little girl did health and safety people stopped director of undressing and raping her? Wasn’t he allowed to do that?

Zed Man
Zed Man
December 18, 2020 9:53 am

Dont understand the fuss and the controversy surrounding this film. Have seen gorier movies than this and they did not get a mention. I believe that this was banned in many countries, but why? It must have been the scene in the toilet block where he stabbed that young girl. Anyway, it was an ok watch but nothing special. Wooden acting, no plot, it was only the gore that saved it from being boring as shit.

September 29, 2020 6:19 am

I only clicked because of hot guy in the thumbnail LOL
Anyway, the actor is now a chef and doing cooking show for children…

July 30, 2020 1:45 pm

The main character is so stupid and cringy its actually funny. Jade is adorable

July 16, 2020 12:48 pm

reminds me a lot of nutbag 2000, but with additional goose stepping, 5 stars

November 22, 2019 4:10 am

so is the director’s cut bloodier and gorier then the theatrical? Or the other way around? And the way people in the comments are talking about the rater r version makes it seem like THAT one is even better than the first two. can anyone give me a bit of direction here?

Disturbed one
Disturbed one
December 28, 2018 2:21 pm

Great movie, only recently found this site by chance and I’m loving it so far!!
Awesome work!
Fred Vogul was in this film too.

November 4, 2018 10:12 pm

How did you get the theatrical cut Version?

August 9, 2018 11:19 pm

Oh shit now i see why you didn’t post the threatrical version before. The audio is bad. Can you post the cut rated version? the rated version has the scenes from the threatrical cut version

July 27, 2018 4:19 pm

Please upload the theatrical cut version. I can’t find it anywhere

June 28, 2018 4:28 am

What an amazing movie. Fuck the haters

May 31, 2018 3:45 am

Please upload the uncut Nutbag (2000)! That movie is very rare and it’s in the same universe in Murder Set Pieces