Polytechnique (2009)
AKA: –
Directed by: Denis Villeneuve
Starring: Maxim Gaudette (Killer), Sébastien Huberdeau (Jean-François), Karine Vanasse (Valérie), Evelyne Brochu (Stéphanie)
Country: Canada; Effed Up Canadian Cinema
Language: French (Eng Subs); Effed Up French Movies
Runtime: 01:16:58
Genres: Based on a True Story, Mass Killings, Violence against Women
Plot – Spoilers:
He hates women especially feminists, but this could be any woman in what he considers a non-traditional role. He’s not above keeping a eye on his female neigbours though. So it might be that he hates them because he wants them so much. What I can’t have, I will destroy.
Based on the 1989 mass shootings at a Montreal engineering school, the killer there had applied twice and failed to secure admission. In his case, there’s more of a backstory available for those interested in his possible motives. With the film however, anyone’s guess is equally valid.
There’s a needless diversion in the movie that seems to be some kind of statement about women making it in engineering, but Polytechnique is mostly focused on style and the crime.
bunch of niggers
niggers niggers niggers
Love the movie but the shooting dude really is a tard lol. Should’ve become a gay
It was gay how the “main whore” escaped / survived instead of being killed like all of the other stupid whores, or killing herself like that bearded fag. Otherwise I guess it was decent.
Great Movie with Great cinematography
my cock is driping😈..
nice shot with the blood merging – kinda transgressive – hell isn’t other people, it’s just people
Sepulchral. Villeneuve produces visually inventive, uncompromising, and umbrageous cinematography. Coherent of human identity and trauma.
If you are not into school shooting this movie is trash.
And black and white kolor all movie long, a big no no.
They all deserved it
Pussy pass…DENIED!!
Another good movie. Thanks adm.
I read about the case some time ago, and is nice to see the movie here.
Well, What can you expect from a left wing progressive country like Cucknada, where they glorify mental illness, and are all about inclusivity, tolerance and multiculturalism? You just have to see the movie, some dangerous freak that probably suffered ASPD (at some point he even states that he was rejected by the police for being ”antisocial”) going around walking free, instead of being locked in a cell in a psychiatric hospital, until either he learned to act like a normal human or permanently or with a bullet in his head. Yet, there he was, free. Terrible.
And on top of it, a fucking incel loser. Maybe i saw wrong, but the movie insinuated that there was a girl he liked there hahaha. Is funny that his whole reason to commit a shooting, was because he ”hated feminists”, yet he just went and kill a bunch of random girls that probably had nothing to do with feminists, just some random irrelevant students. Incels freaks like him are all about ”hating women” but they will never touch feminists groups. They will just go a kill randoms. At the end of the day, incels, feminists, etc are all left wing scum. Groups of people that suffer from severe mental problems and their whole life revolves around hate, resentment, envy and entitlement. And people like that should be prune for the greater good.
Simple… Just enjoy the movies & ignore the energy vampires if you value your time, energy and health.
Special. You can say what you want about Dune, but Villeneuve is a great director.
I thought this was a well made movie and I enjoyed watching it. I felt the tension! The acting was good. This was a tragic and effed up movie!
Feel free to fight me and this movie was fine but Villeneuve is one of the most overrated Hollywood directors of all time and every time I accidently see one of his movies all I feel is “well… that was mid.”
(Thought train) Personally, I liked films like Elephant better, but this does a really good job at looking at the situation plainly. It hits hard. I went through a tough week recently involving assault and have been thinking a lot about the relationships between men and women, how men feel ostracized and women are demonized (to put it broadly). Although obviously, this is nowhere near the main point or theme of the film, it still makes me hold hope that we can still spread awareness about mental health and the futility and overarching destructive nature of sexism and how it is ingrained in the culture, bc we all know there are still boys out there who hold these murderers as their icons and heroes and men who could care less if a woman is murdered or assaulted.
Thank you so much for adding this film I’ve been wanting to see it for a long time since it happened where I live, Denis Villeneuve makes such good movies and yet it’s only one I couldn’t find amywhere
These comments are brilliant, Just pure caining this bird. Made my night
I agree with Ned 100% – people getting lynched over one innocent comment is ridiculous.
But Zed Man you’re a fine one to talk about “Fucked Up People”. You’ve been yelling and arguing in the comments and getting baited by trolls whereas any sane person would just ignore them. Not only you’re a hypocrite, you seem quite easy to piss off judging from your comment history.
I attend one of the polytechnic engineering schools, the one located in Paris and I just wanna say that I worked extremely hard on my graduation grade to get it. It’s an elite school and they only let smart people in. Also i’m a girl. That incel was just mad women were smarter than him and got in. Incels and woman haters are nothing but pathetic losers with a masculinity as fragile as egg shells. Women are not your doormats anymore and guess what they don’t need to submit to demeaning traditional roles either. So go fuck yourselves cause no high quality woman will touch an incel not even with a 10 meters stick. Feminism did a good job turning your kind into the butt of the social ladder.
anybody in this thread s moke weed
This site continues to deliver quality films that can be hard to find. Too bad there is so much hate on the site. Just say one wrong word and you will have someone wanting to slit your throat. The hate mongers can continue to fuck themselves.
To the person using Zed Man’s gravatar.
Sorry, we can’t allow that. Comments under that image and name will be deleted
OK!! but i dont understand why is so much hate here.I am here to watch movies and make pertinent comments.Why we have to argue? maybe my comments are not the best or smart but i dont think i deserve to be called stupid.
With all due respect to the victims of this horrific attack, but the film is so BOOOORING!!
great film from a great director – only the french can produce a film with sensitivity out of such horrendous subject matter
regardless of the content, this was some beautiful b&W
Didn t know this was based on a true story
Heavy stuff. I recall when that happened, was major news of course.
Hello! Great acting,great story.French movies are very good.thx!