Tenderness Of The Wolves (1973)
AKA: Die Zärtlichkeit der Wölfe
Directed by: Ulli Lommel
Starring: Kurt Raab (Fritz Haarmann), Jeff Roden (Hans Grans), Margit Carstensen (Lindner), Brigitte Mira (Luise), Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Wittowski)
Country: (West) Germany; Effed Up European Cinema
Language: German; Effed Up German Films
Runtime: 01:22:08
Genres: Based on a True Story, Serial Killer, Gay-CrossDressing, Old-Young, Sexual-Violence against Men, Cannibalism
Plot – Spoilers:
Based on the German serial killer, The Vampire of Hanover, Fritz Haarmann.
Fritz Haarmann has a special thing for young men and boys. In post WW-1 Germany, finding desperate boys isn’t too hard and Fritz has a supply of young flesh that he brings back home to ravage and later butcher. As a black-marketeer specializing in meat, getting rid of their bodies is easy and his friends and social circle often enjoy his tasty dinner parties. Fritz is a man of limited means often resorting to petty theft and the sale of his victims’ belongings to live day to day. A lot of the money he is able to arrange goes into funding the company of a younger pimp he is in love with. It also helps that in war-strapped Germany the police enlist his help to rat out other petty criminals and so Fritz has friends and access to information to help him get away with his crimes for a while.
The narrative in Tenderness Of The Wolves is stilted at times, but is overall a satisfyingly gritty ’70s German flick with some of producer Fassbinder’s style flowing through it.
As well as I know of another movie about a serial killer, also based on a true story, the prototype is also called Fritz, “der goldene Handschuh.”(2019)
Deathmaker or “Der Totmacher” (1995) is a good movie too where Haarmann is interviewed by a psychologist. That’s all it is, interviews, no flashback scenes of his brutal crimes, but a great performance makes it good to watch, the main guy is outstanding.
Yeah, this was a good one, luv these old movies no one’s ever heard of. great acting and filming. Thanks again EU…
true events
i like the tenderness of little boys assholes
You’re all wound up you gay cry babies. Respond to this comment if you are an elementary school little faggot asshole and leave a love note you fucking douche bags.
Write a comment below if you are positive you are a gay cry baby. Ta ta for now you little fucking jack offs.
loved it. very artistic movie. slow but rewarding.
Are you all wound up you fucking jack offs? If you are send a love note you fucking faggots.
You fucking pussies
Oh anyone need their kids babysitted?……no charge.
You fucking douche bags
A steve special.
gay crap for faggots waste of time
This movie was gayer than all these loser fucks that comment on every movie in here.
i have always been a wolves supporter
Kinda boring. 2/5.. The last scene was intense and The acting was good. Just too slow..
Well, that was gay af.
Hey dont forget me stevie
Not unlike 10 Rillington place in some ways either
This right UP your ALLEY Dirty Steve,you pedo shitstabber,Dude & Young boys.
Kind of like an older school “golden glove” based on earlier 20th century serial killer Fritz harman,where as “Glove” was based on Fritz honka,not bad for 73