Midori: The Camellia Girl (2016)
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AKA: –
Directed by: Torico
Starring: Risa Nakamura (Midori), Shunsuke Kazama (Wonder Masamitsu), Takeru (Kanabun), Akihiro Nakatani (Arashi)
Country: Japan; Effed Up Asian Cinema
Language: Japanese; Effed Up Japanese Movies
Runtime: 01:29:40
Genres: Surreal, Anime-Animation, Childhood, Malformed Humans, Sexual-Violence against Women, Old-Young Relationships, Gay-CrossDressing
Live-action version of the manga that Midori was based on. Dripping with rich aesthetics that color out the weak actors, it might not be as effedup as the anime, but is a deserving must-watch companion.
just watched the original before this, I find the live action is just fantastic. the Japanese have done it again with the trippy cinema 🙂
i didnt know there was a live action of this movie! Very well made, its not as bad as most live actions!
its so silly and not as disturbing as the anime, it almost gave me the will to live again. So fun!
The anime film and this live adaptation are different in places, particularly the last 10 minutes which casts Midori in a different light in each film. The cinematography, particularly the use of colour, really stand out in this film, It would be an injustice (imo) to directly compare each film to the other, not least as its comparing an anime to a live action film, but due to the different endings. While I prefer the anime, this film is still good and worth a watch. 3.5/5 paper flowers.
I’ll admit this was a pretty good adaptation I can’t believe they had the balls to make this anime into live action it’s not as brutal as the original anime but I will say it’s still worth a watch
i love the visuals and also the midori actress is so fucking beautiful. overall a nice adaptation 8/10
Weird that his head was blurred bc I didn’t see anything censor worthy
Urgh! I thought Midori 1996 (Hiroko Shimada) can’t find her movie
Wow! I didn’t even know a live action came out not too long ago? Everything that happens to Midori is so awful but I find a weird solace in it.
Pretty good watch though contemplated stopping a few times midway though 7/10
Why do people come on here to argue and say disgusting things especially abt children instead of just rating the fuckin movie shits annoying af
This one was very Interesting. I do prefer the animated version, but this one also had its own charms to it. It’s interesting how selfish Midori was at the end of the movie, taking advantage of the old man and asking for his powers like that. Whereas it wasn’t like that in the animated version. I did quite like this though, and the different perspective on her character.
Fucking amazing. I loved the anime more though.
This is one silly ass movie….where are the good Japanese movies??
reminds me of Tetsuya Nakashima’s movies
humm.. loved it!!! the acting and special effects come very close to the “so bad its good” ideals, and sometimes theyre just plain funny
.. a bit of highlights: *SPOILERS*
> the scene where a dude grew enormous balls was so random LMAO
> silver hair really rocked that jesus skirt, thats such a fashion choice
> the guy w no arms looked so pretty while he was dying. i want to print the whole scene on my forehead !!!!!
> also loved the guy who was running away with the manager – even if he had like 10 secs of screen time :”) –
> really loved midori’s shocked/pained expressions, yea theyre overly exaggerated, who cares
> bright colors :] really helped to give that “weird” vibe
I have a vagina
i am the girl who wanted to be god
Grow up you crybaby cowards,stfu you faggots,i wanted to wish you happy 4th of july,but fuck you all,little bitches,i don’t fuck children you douchebags.
Anyone have any kids you wany babysitted?………..no charge
Its like asian version of Where the Dead Go to Die, where you must be on drugs to truly appreciate the film.
anime is more sick with more details the live version is boring with plot holes
Uma bosta
Lost your balls today? After all the shit you talked? Thats OK,ill always be here,waiting!!!!!!
better than i thought it would be 6/10
Whose idea was it to make this a live-action wtf
Wow well that was……….boring & just shite
F,fucks sake auto spell,bar whatever the fuck *BERKOWITZ!!!!!!!
Cross dressing & faggotry,a masterpiece,i love it
I gave up after 6 minutes. Its trite.