Forbidden Love Game (1975)
AKA: Juego de Amor Prohibido
Directed by: Eloy de la Iglesia
Starring: Javier Escrivá (Luis), Simón Andreu (Jaime), Inma de Santis (Julia), John Moulder-Brown (Miguel)
Country: Spain; Effed Up European Movies
Language: Spanish; Effed Up Spanish Movies
Runtime: 01:29:41
Genres: Captivity-Kidnapping, Gay Interest
Plot – Spoilers:
A teacher, Luis, lives alone in his sprawling inherited mansion. He’s alone to the outside world, but has a shady man, Jaime, who’s on the run from the law, tucked away within the sprawl. Jaime functions as a sort of butler, but it’s suggested the two share an SM relationship.
Luis is also a failed actor with a thing for Macbeth and Wagner, when he doesn’t have a thing for holding people captive. So when he spots a couple of his students, Julia and Miguel, trying to explore being runaways, he seizes the moment.
Miguel is overconfident in his ability to get out of any shit but possesses zero survival instincts to smell danger. While in captivity, he develops a voracious appetite for food which he only temporarily loses after being made to drop his pants for a spanking. But the relationships and power dynamics are fluid in this little-known gem from the Spanish master of exploitation, Eloy de la Iglesia. And as don Luis seems to believe – nothing lasts forever.
julia and miguel were so hot…. sad that we didn’t get to properly see julia’s tits
omfg everyone in this movie is so attractive it’s insane
This movie might not be messed up but this comment section sure is
Listen you pre-teen faggot jerk off’s & listen very carefully,I know I hurt your feelings & I boil your blood,me & Ed a gonna teach you a lesson you’ll never forget,you whiney gay cry babies (just as soon as we’re finished our 3some with this cute bit of pre teen ass that looks just like Justin beiber,wind me up & watch me go,im Steveo the pedo with my sidekick Ed
Watchable, but i could have also well done without
I have smelly dick cheese
not effed up by any standard but worth a watch when yourrelaxing and dont mind reading subtitles ,made me think of lollita,near no nudity which was a let down as shes quite a babe.5/10