A Foolish Love (1981)
AKA: Oi Apenanti
Directed by: Giorgos Panousopoulos
Starring: Aris Retsos (Haris), Betty Livanou (Stella), Dora Volanaki(Mother), Lazaros Andreou (Friend), Sofia Aliberti (Stella’s daughter)
Country: Greece; Effed Up European Films
Language: Greek (Eng Subs); Effed Up Greek Movies
Runtime: 01:45:26
Genres: Voyeur, Older-Younger Relationships
Plot – Spoilers:
Haris is a budding astronomy student trying to follow in the footsteps of his Greek forefathers, but mostly he does lock-cracking for a gang of smalltime criminals who are deeply America-influenced. He lives with his passive mother who’s a little scared of him, and while he’s mostly confident and not short on friends, he prefers lonerism and indulges in recreational activities like playing Pac-Man or hanging out watching bikers getting excited by the night.
Haris’ interest in astronomy means he has a modified telescope set up in his room which he puts to useful use scanning the lives of people in other buildings. His best friend has eyes on a teen girl who lives a few streets across to Haris, but Haris has his eyes locked firmly on her bored mother.
A Foolish Love is a slightly artistic film that takes its time, but there are plenty of moments of realism that pop up regularly enough to keep you interested even if you might not care for the artistic.
actually cute
Did not expect to see a movie from my country here, feeling very proud
SPOILER! i guess you could consider that a happy ending. There must be something wrong with me, I watched the whole thing.