Forced Entry (1976) – Video Version

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Avg Rating: 3.1 / 5. Voted: 39

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Directed by: Jim Sotos
Starring: Ron Max (Carl), Tanya Roberts (Nancy), Nancy Allen (Hitch Hiker)
Country: USA; Effed Up American Cinema
Language: English
Runtime: 01:28:36
Genres: Serial Killers, Rape-Sexual-Violence against Women, Home Invasion, Voyeur-Stalking

Plot – Spoilers:
A hapless woman in a dress runs away from her rapist through the woods with one tit hanging out while crap music plays. The kind of sleazeball movie this isn’t though.

A softcore remake of Forced Entry 1973, this is probably more grim.

Carl, a car mechanic, is able to hold his job together but is unhinged otherwise, constantly lying about his father and remembering him differently every time he talks about him. He struggles with a few basic questions while driving around town like Taxi Driver (which was the same year as this):

All this pretty flesh around. Why can’t they be nice to me. Why do I need to use force to have them. And then they ruin it all by screaming and struggling, and then I can’t even get hard. It’s all their fault.

But not Miss Nancy Ulman. She’s nice. She’s sweet and talked nicely to me. She is a good mommy and we could be great together.

This version is what’s often referred to as the video/VHS version and is longer than the Bluray version. Uncensored and more explicit, there are also other differences.

Carl’s opening ramblings are complete.
The ending includes people who knew Carl from his younger days, talking about him.
Carl is a little more silent here though, meaning some of his conversational bits are missing.

The two versions also differ in sound and music at times. Even what’s coming off the radio is different and some scenes are just edited differently.

So if you want to see Forced Entry/The Last Victim completely, you’d probably want to watch both versions.

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Necrophiliac Rapist
Necrophiliac Rapist
September 22, 2024 2:55 am

We’re seriously posting literal porn movies here now?

Not that I’m complaining.

Johhny nuggets
Johhny nuggets
March 26, 2024 7:24 am

Oh the irony……you thick cunt hahahahahahahaha

Arnul Folkytar
Arnul Folkytar
March 18, 2024 3:26 pm

Marian Dora released a new film “Thomas und Marco”. It will be good to upload it!

March 18, 2024 8:54 am

Nice movie

March 15, 2024 7:51 pm

“Sotos” – lol. Those who know, know.

March 15, 2024 11:22 am

There is a new “ultimate cut” of Caligula out now. It runs over three hours. Are you gonna update EUM with it?

March 11, 2024 12:16 am

This compared to the original prolonged-suck-suck version is dull and ends in the most obvious way. Not watched the bluey-ray version yet. Man rapes, man kills, man dies is disney plot level sophistication.
They only thing worthy of note is the awful way the lady makes her tea. No wonder she took one sip and moved on.

March 10, 2024 3:39 am

is it possible to see movie in this website? idk im not able to see it , the video keeps buffering nothing shows up any movie i tried i couldnt see im glad a site is dedicated for this type of content but im not able to see it i wanted to see a movie i came across this website i couldnt find that movie anywhere but saddly cant see it. im talking about some other movie not this im commenting here because people may come here and see it pleasse reply is it possible for u guys to see movie in here or not is the issue fixed

fred fat
fred fat
March 8, 2024 8:07 pm

there are three other versions – one where the actors start speaking in Japanese for no apparent reason and then simulate lactation of a chicken – another version is exactly the same but it was slowed down so that the total run time come sin at 36 hours and ten minutes
the other version has totally different dialogue and actors and is actually a totally different film – that one is hard to get

Vampire Cat
Vampire Cat
March 8, 2024 3:39 pm

While Forced Entry is no Necro Filles 3000 it is not without it’s merits. Recommended.

March 8, 2024 3:34 pm

70’s porn-violence was one of the sleasiest genres.
Maybe “The taming of Rebecca” will turn up here on EUM?