Melancholie der Engel (2009)

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Avg Rating: 3.1 / 5. Voted: 291

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The extended cut which is 6 minutes longer is now available. It’s of a lower viewing quality and has no subtitles: Melancholie der Engel – Extended Cut

AKA: The Angels’ Melancholia
Year: 2009
Directed by: Marian Dora
Starring: Zenza Raggi (Brauth), Carsten Frank (Katze), Janette Weller (Melanie), Bianca Schneider (Bianca), Patrizia Johann (Anja), Margarethe von Stern (Clarissa), Peter Martell (Heinrich)
Country: Germany, European Cinema
Language: German (English Subtitles)
Runtime: 02:38:14
Genres: Bizarre-Surreal, Animals, Violence against Women, Religion, Scat, Insects, Gruesome, Pissing, Self-Harm

Plot – Spoilers:
Melancholie der Engel is one of those effed up movies that divides opinion. Some consider it a milestone work, others feel it’s an extended pile of bullshit.

There isn’t much of a plot here. A couple of young girls are at some kind of carnival and pursued by two men who convince them to partake in a few days of debauchery at an isolated place. That’s about it, plot-wise. However, there are plenty of effed up scenes involving animals, insects, small creatures like lizards and frogs and of course human pain. But you need to be patient if that’s all you’re in it for, because Melancholie der Engel is a long movie. At over 2 1/2 hours, it can feel longer if surrealistic stuff isn’t something you particularly enjoy.

There are plenty of effed up movies around, but what works for Melancholie der Engel is that it leaves you repulsed while watching it. There’s something about the juxtaposition of grotesque and debauched imagery, locations and scenarios that works well for this. You can get a sense of this right at the start when a shot of fries dipped in ketchup seems repelling because of the imagery around it.

There are plenty of religious motifs and one of the characters, Brauth has been designed to look like Jesus especially in the scene where he rapes Anja. All said, if you have time and patience, it can be a satisfying effed up experience.

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Corpse Jungfrau13
Corpse Jungfrau13
February 6, 2025 2:54 pm

🤢🤢 it is not good

July 20, 2024 12:07 am

My GOD this film is shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. And to think all those poor animals had to die for this. Bloated, shockingly badly directed, terribly filmed, awful acting, pretentious story and dialogue. Thick as pig shit fake art house made by someone who has the intelligence of a pebble. Hilariously immature edge-lord snooze fest featuring close ups of acts of cruelty against insects and animals, with bible verses copy and pasted as a substitute for a script, cos it sounds well deep to thick people innit. Although, the next time you do something really cringe in your life, at least you’ll know at the very least you aren’t the bald goatee guy who actually took part in this! 😂

June 28, 2024 9:27 am

Holy hell, where to begin? Well, I should probably start by going into what is most controversial of all: the animal content. Supposedly the pig was being slaughtered by a butcher for its meat, and that was recorded for the movie along the way (much like the scene with the rabbit in Nekromantik). The scene with the cat is very disturbing and realistic, but was supposedly faked. I think either the cat was sedated, or a very detailed prop was used. As for the scene with the salamander, I think they used one that was already dead or yet another realistic prop, since it doesn’t move at all when it cuts to the scene of it being crushed. Otherwise, I think some earthworms, insects, and possibly a snail were harmed, and that’s it. I can honestly say this movie really fucks with me in a way like no other. “Further down the iceberg” than the infamous A Serbian Film, and it came out a year before it. At times it gets so slow that it’s boring, but that’s how it sort of lures you in before catching you off guard with back-to-back sheer depravity. To me there seems to be a metaphysical element to the plot, with a malevolent presence or curse over the land that slowly drives the characters to do the utterly fucked up things that they do, even if some of them may not want to, until their lives are completely consumed. Violence, sex, pissing, shitting, puking,… Read more »

Bindair dundhat
Bindair dundhat
April 2, 2024 4:29 pm

Both are on YouTube

hard slap
hard slap
August 8, 2023 2:08 am

This fuckin director why the fuck did you have that old prick kill that cat for? I will pipe bomb your rotten stink ass and fist fuck your fuckin face you animal hater! fuckin shithead eat dirty rotten gaping ass and I hope karma comes and rips a brand new asshole in you scum of the earth!

Sick Fixx
Sick Fixx
July 3, 2023 12:39 pm

I know it says ‘no requests’ but is anyone ever going to upload Blight of Humanity by Marian Dora here?

June 7, 2023 6:49 pm

too drawn out

james lean
james lean
June 2, 2023 11:38 am

Ridiculous movie its just a pervert version of friends the moral of the story is dont be the third wheel and don’t invite friends round with their dates.

April 19, 2023 12:56 am

This movie is extremely disturbing , the fact that all of the animals are actually real is just so weird, it’s good but makes you feel a sense of disgust

April 15, 2023 8:51 am

Les dare una recomendacion si no les da flojera traten de subtitular los dialogos mediante el traductor de google pausen la pelicula y haganlo asi se daran una idea de que va la narrativa y su tranfondo, otra cuestion no se quien demonios les dijo que esta pelicula era cine de “arte” pues su mismo director ni siquiera promociona sus cintas asi Marian Dora a exclamado que sus cintas solo reflejan lo mas cruel de la naturaleza humana mediante el morbo y que cada reflexion o mensaje ya viene desde la mirada del espectador es decir este director quiere contarte una historia que pueda asquearte y tal ves dejarte reflexionando un poco y repito tal ves e intencionalmente quiera dejarte pensando, este cine mas alla de su morbo que es lo unico a lo que prestan atencion tiene un transfondo y una logica y no es justificasion para su morbo es una explicasion obvia y razonable que se ve a simple vista. No se ofendan pero si no tienen la mente abierta para este tipo de cine lo suyo es el cine de horror Hollywoodense generico,cliche e incluso simplon.Este director su unica pretencion repito es contarte una historia a su manera y ya,no busca hacer cine trascendental “artistico” como Eggers,Terrence Malick o fellini, no quiere hacer cine bonito y melodramatico para alegrarte el corazon,el busca solo reflejar esa crueldad que la mente y el alma humana tiene en su interior punto. Un analisis sobre la perspectiva de la vida,la muerte… Read more »

Sick Fixx
Sick Fixx
September 15, 2022 12:55 am

How many of you have seen the documentary by Magnus Blomdahl called ‘Revisiting Melancholie der Engel’? Marian Dora says something really strange when they are touring the countryside, that originally he intended for the character Heinrich to be a werewolf but they went over budget or never had the budget for it to begin with. He never really elaborates further on it, but it’s a great documentary. I have no idea where it is sold now. It seems like the distributors for it disappeared (as in no longer in operation).

August 27, 2022 3:54 pm

we didnt get along well, the characters are poorly written, and it has no self reflection at all. I mean its brutal yet so close to kitch, thats almost funny tbh

July 28, 2022 3:16 pm

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! a true masterpiece in depravity!

OJ not Simpson
OJ not Simpson
July 6, 2022 11:51 am

The superior race has lost the war and still can’t get over it. It has changed the face of German art forever.

May 30, 2022 6:31 pm

This is going to stay for very long as a classic. No wonder it is a recognized cult movie. Finally some real meaning but a little bit too gruesome at times. the abortion scene. Daaaamn

February 6, 2022 8:27 am

One of the worst movies i’ve ever seen in my entire life.

December 21, 2021 12:29 am

Is there a good breakdown of the meaning of this film someone can recommend?

November 28, 2021 1:03 am

Okay maybe I’m not galaxy-brain enough, but a lot of this just went beyone me. Plenty of disturbing imagery, but lacked enough coherency to be a truly disturbing movie tbh

June 8, 2021 10:09 pm

This movie didn’t do much for me, it’s too pretentious without living up to it own claim. It could be a good film if they made it like 60 minutes long. The scripts is so bad, the dialogue is so uninteresting. The nihilistic theme of this group acting out of some kind of group thinking is an interesting story, too bad it didn’t evolve in that at all. There isn’t much of a story. I guess the camera work is ok, but not that great as some people say. And the music and screaming is repetitive and boring.

When it comes to the gore I’m not that impressed either. The girls ovary (?) look like some kind of animal kidney and the vomit looks so unrealistic. The most disturbing shots are the ones who probably are without special effect, and that doesn’t impress me. I love gore movies that give me an illusion, but if the illusion is just real stuff, I’m not impressed. Anyone (without too much empathy and disgust) could kill a lizard on tape, but few could build something that looks like a lizard popping but actually is just a doll. If the lizard isn’t real, I’m impressed! Ok, the stoma is somewhat realistic looking and something I’ve never seen before, I will give them that.

June 8, 2021 5:34 am

Are there any other movies with Janette Weller (Melanie)? Best act on the movie plus hot af.

May 29, 2021 11:56 pm

Wow.. okay so 2 hr and 40 minute movie it finished and I still have no idea what just happened… it is a disturbing movie, but not as much as I think people have hyped it up to be… first hour your wondering why your still watching this movie then stuff starts actually happening… it’s very slow, there’s no real plot not that I could decipher, it was just weirdly disturbing, I could see why someone made it as an art project, but that movie has no real plot no character development, it’s honestly just a weirdly disturbing long movie hahah. I guess it’s worth the watch if you got damn near 3 hours, but just know the movie really doesn’t have a plot and a bunch of just random stuff happens, intertwining with a lot of bible verses.

March 22, 2021 1:36 am

Omfg this has to be the most hillarious not pun intended movie of all time!i absolutely adore the art,its like if they decided to share the details of life and its filthiness in a superb way!Props to the people who was involved in this shit.This is so magical in a lot of aspects,the director probably planned it so much that it looks like it isnt planned at all,its exactly how he imagined it,every detail.I dont understand anything but i do at the same time,its a “bad dream” at its finest,you would doubt if what you are seeing its part of ur craziness or not.Im here for the aesthetic so idgaf,this is UNIQUE,a way to develop creativity,i stopped watching it because i got bored and it irradiates weird energy but i will resume it later

Greasy Strangler
Greasy Strangler
March 19, 2021 6:19 pm

Weird like an acid trip at a funeral..

March 7, 2021 7:31 pm

this film is like a 3hr dream sequence in a soap opera commissioned by the devil himself. im about to watch the rest of Dora’s movies this might be my new favorite film maker. absolutely grotesque and gorgeous. its not art fag bullshit in my opinion.

March 6, 2021 7:57 am

Any chance of uploading the extended cut?

Winter Melancholie
Winter Melancholie
February 28, 2021 4:32 am

I am in no way surprised that the majority disagree with me and despise this film. It’s actually wonderful that so many hate it because it reminds me that no gold mines have been discovered by mainstream Hollywood and Enlightenment is not at the end of the common artist red carpet. Beauty in its most pure and authentic form is always camolflauged and hidden in the shadows and darkness. If at first you don’t see, look deeper and look at it from a different perspective or through “clear and critically perceptive eyes”
Every one of my favorites are despised to hell and Nigeria and back.
Most people also hate:
Lost Highway
A Serbian Film
2001: A Space Odyssey
Donnie Darko
The Bunny Game
Fight Club
A Scanner Darkly
The Woman
Flowers ..
Wild At Heart
A Clockwork Orange
Martyrs **(French original version)
I guess I can understand that films that explore beyond the demands of the norm (also was the centerpiece of thought capacity and tolerance under the soviet cock in Ukraine and USSR from the 1940’s until late 1980’s ). What a shocker that censorship and narrowmindedness are actually not originally All American brainchildren. No offense to Russians and Ukraine nativeS. Every country has had its issues with stupidity and bloody hands but at least Russia & Ukraine contain such magnificent beauty that most Americans could never and would never witness or hope to comprehend . They fancy comfort in ignorance too much.

Gabrielle archangel
Gabrielle archangel
February 17, 2021 7:01 pm

This film is like nothing I have ever seen before I watched it a year ago one morning out of curiosity ..I was never the same person after watching it …

fred fat
fred fat
December 29, 2020 9:55 pm

you know when a film is bullshit – when people start calling it artsy or saying you wont understand it
marian dora – more like marian’ll bore ya

December 27, 2020 6:03 pm

Took me awhile to finally watch this movie. I was up-and-about when watching, so I was not very focused. I didn’t get it. I think it is religious, but I’m unsure. I will definitely watch a second time.

November 17, 2020 8:51 pm

This is by far my favorite movie!!! Just a work of pure and impure genius!!!!!! I will say that this is not the sort of film that should be watched when you are just try trying to relax. You have to have your eyes open (it would help to use your 3red eye as well) and use your brain a little with this movie because there is so much going on that you will literally be consumed by a clusterfuck of surrealistic and disturbing imagery, your mind will question whether or not it saw what it believes it saw, or will lose sight of what is going on throughout the progression of the story. I believe that most people will not get it. They just will not or cannot understand and it will make a lot of people angry and frustrated. But for the few enlightened ones left in our population, you are in for a real treat! This is Marion Dora at his best!!!!!! 10/10 ALL THE WAY!!!!!

September 16, 2020 12:35 am

I hate this movie so goddamn much.

August 6, 2020 9:08 pm

Amazing movie, extremely memorable yet disturbing. Haven’t seen a movie like this before and don’t think I ever will. The music especially is adequate, it creates irony between the mood and actual content being shown.

July 22, 2020 1:08 am

This is perhaps the only movie I have seen that I would call disturbing. It is “artsy” as has been mentioned. But it is that good taste which is applied to something so appalling that gives it its impact. It also creates an atmosphere of dread which is more apparent on repeat viewings.

June 26, 2020 7:30 am

you’ve got some nunsploitation in this movie as well

April 17, 2020 4:48 am

oh my god it’s too long. a little artsy, not really a plot, but the filth is right where it needs to be.