Shrew’s Nest (2014)

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Avg Rating: 4.2 / 5. Voted: 84

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AKA: Musaranas
Directed by: Juanfer Andrés, Esteban Roel
Starring: Macarena Gomez (Montse), Nadia de Santiago (The Girl), Luis Tosar (Father), Hugo Silva (Carlos), Carolina Bang (Elisa), Lucía de la Fuente (Young Montse)
Country: Spain; Effed Up European Movies
Language: Spanish; Effed Up Spanish Cinema
Runtime: 01:31:20
Genres: Gruesome, Incest, Childhood, Domestic Abuse, Siblings-Family, Drugs, Captivity, Mental Illness

Plot – Spoilers:
In post-War Spain, an 18-year-old nameless (to us) girl shares an uneasy relationship with the much-older Montse, who’s brought her up more as a daughter than sister, following the loss of their father. The unease in the relationship mostly stems from Montse’s overprotectiveness that includes physical abuse and which feels like stifling control to the girl. Apart from this, the two share comfortable roles within the household. The girl works at a nearby shop to supplement Montse’s tailoring skills that have earned her a loyal and admiring clientele, and Montse on her part makes sure she has hot meals ready for the girl’s lunchbreaks.

Shrews are claimed to to be wildly territorial, and Montse similarly fiercely defends their lives from being intruded into, though this is of late getting harder, with the girl growing up. Montse’s territorial behavior is more in reverse though. Not only is she terrified of the girl one day leaving her, but she also suffers from crippling agoraphobia foisted on her by an abusive father. So for now, Montse prowls the four walls of her apartment, addicted to morphine and staving off tormenting visions of her contemptuous father that plunge her into states of despair or melancholy.

Then one sudden day, a man falls down the stairs and rolls up at her door. It’s that one in a million chance that Montse ever had of having a man in her life. And she’s eager to not let it go.

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Lotty Da
Lotty Da
April 9, 2024 6:35 am

WOW, loved it, some gore with a great story line. Not sure about the ending though. Who were these women, sisters or something else? Must have missed that part, guess i’ll have to watch it again sometime… Thanks EUM, this is the only place you’ll find such fascinating films.

February 17, 2024 2:26 am

Dude, That was an amazing film,
Crazy lady really sold the film

October 3, 2023 8:24 pm

The girl’s name was xXx_eMoGiRl4LiFe_xXx

Matisse Famke
Matisse Famke
February 9, 2023 12:07 pm

@Admin: It’s “of late” not “off late” in reference to your narrative.

Markuz lee
Markuz lee
February 5, 2023 2:59 pm

It’s one of my favorite now…Awesome twist in the ending…I enjoyed it thank you!!!

Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard
February 4, 2023 1:08 pm

This one is really good. It’s a cross between “Misery” and “Intruders” with a touch of Barney Miller and Sally from “The Godfather” thrown in as the abuser. Lois Tosar looks just like Abe Vigoda. The “plot twist” all you guys are taking about I saw coming a mile away. Macarena Gomez who played “Montse” did a fantastic job. It’s good. Watch it.

August 29, 2022 6:06 am

This may be my favorite of the year.

July 1, 2022 2:41 am

A family dispute between siblings with a slight twist at the end. Pretty well written, I did not see that one coming. Good movie

June 29, 2022 1:29 pm

Great film, you might want to check Pan’s Labyrinth which leans more to the fantasy category yet it gave me nightmares as a kid

June 27, 2022 4:09 am

Fantastic movie, the plot twists, everything is really good.

Dr Harris
Dr Harris
June 25, 2022 2:08 pm

Excellent… Spanish cinema never ever disappoints … This is yet another modern classic horror thriller.
Good story… Decent pace.. sympathetic lead characters… Got it all here

June 25, 2022 9:13 am

I have been learning Spanish for a month. Spanish from Spain is a little hard to follow because the weird lisp. But I’m happy to say I ignored the subs and was mostly able to understand the film. And super enjoyed it. BTW montse is kinda cute.

June 24, 2022 4:35 am

that was awesome

June 23, 2022 9:43 am

Ha! I thought I was wrong about the twist but it came in at the very end!! This was good, I enjoyed it.

fred fat
fred fat
June 18, 2022 7:42 pm

a big thank you – i mentioned this in one of my comments – not as a request – but would thoroughly recommend – this is how you do horror