Skin I Live In (2011)
Option 1Option 2
AKA: La Piel Que Habito
Directed by: Pedro Almodovar
Starring: Antonio Banderas (Dr. Ledgard), Elena Anaya (Vera), Marisa Paredes (Marilia), Jan Cornet (Vicente), Blanca Suarez (Norma Ledgard), Roberto Alamo (Zeca), Susi Sanchez (Vicente’s mother), Barbara Lennie (Cristina), Eduard Fernandez (Ledgard’s colleague)
Country: Spain; Effed Up European Movies
Language: Spanish (Eng Subs); Effed Up Spanish Cinema
Runtime: 02:00:14
About (Spoilers):
The boundaries of vengeance that can be pushed when in the hands of a skilled man. And the darkly comedic fate of the object of vengeance whose crimes may have been misunderstood.
Genres: Medical, Scars-Body Modification, Revenge, Transsexual, Captivity-Kidnapping, Family
This was basically The Victim with better acting and it took way too many turns and 45 minutes to get to the point. Antonio Banderas could get it tho. 6.5/10
So grooming and pampering your daughter’s rapist as future fuck, its quite disturbing but liked its quite different story
Interesting movie, also confusing + shitty ending. Not bad tho.
Overlong with a disneyfied ending but worth the watch.
This is like a rape victims wet dream
Interesting film. Elena Anaya is a gorgeous woman in real life but you look at her in a different way when you think she might have previously been a guy. Anywho, I’ll give it 4 stars because the guy in the tiger suit was stupid.
he film industry is in a never-ending dialogue of complicated discussion and debate, ones that question what counts as cinema and what doesn’t, or ones that evaluate ways spectators consume film to locate the most ideal. When observing discussions on film in very recent years, a topic that has been the core of a mass division among academics and everyday fans is the dispute of whether or not we can separate art from the artist when consuming and interpreting films. As audiences, we can do more than just simply watch films passively. We can connect with the style techniques of the story, visuals and characters in an emotional realm, in turn aligning our own identities and outlooks with the films we choose to watch. Our favourite films are an exegesis of our passions and interests in life, something we share with others to convey who we are and generate this same interest in others. But what do we do when those favourite films we watch, love and connect with are made under controversial means or by controversial people who have displayed a severe absence of morals? Suppose audiences classify a film or a director’s filmography as representing parts of their identities and passions. Building from this, one has to ask do any problematic or corrupt elements tied to either the film or director also represent them. These questions have been dissected and analysed in both academic and casual film-orientated discussions, with critics attempting to compromise a director’s unethical actions in… Read more »
guy on the cover looks like kirk from star treck
There is a little boys skin I would love to live in……….or under
Muscle bound dude wearing cowboy boots and cheetah spandex put the ground and pound on his brand new virgin creation….
Good movie! I kinda thought they were going somewhere with the skin that’s immune to heat tho. It’s clear to me the tranny ends up with his unattainable lesbian crush at the end. Spoiler alert
that’s not revenge, more like upgrade. revenge would be turn IT into an insufferably ugly beast like whoopi goldberge or joy behar.
The book is good. They changed the story so much when making the film to the point where you can watch it without spoiling the book.
this film really got under my skin
that dude sorta looks like me…?
possibly the most effed up revenge movie plot. this is how you get revenge. turn them into a chick then fuck ’em.