Women’s Flesh: My Red Guts (1999)
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AKA: Watashi No Akai Harawata (hana)
Directed by: Tamakichi Anaru
Starring: Ayaka Tomozawa (Woman)
Country: Japan, Asian Cinema
Language: Japanese (English Subs)
Runtime: 00:49:19
Genres: Gore-Gruesome-Splatter, Self-Harm
Plot – Spoilers:
A woman’s been dumped by her boyfriend and uses the bristly ends of a toothbrush on herself to help cope with it. Soon enough, she finds more therapeutic uses for the brush, and moves on to a knife.
From the director of Tumbling Doll of Flesh, the cut featured here includes DVD extras called “A Dead Person” containing grainy footage of dead people and babies – maybe not shocking enough for internet-era folk, but probably valuable back in 1999.
Enjoyed this thanks
She deserve that when she didn’t eat the tongue, the best part in human body. That’s too waste.
The film looks much better with 7x speedup. it adds more of a psychedelic horror atmosphere….. and yes, it’s not as boring to watch with 7x speedup.
jajaj god
I really appreciate this site and the content. I just wish that the video playback was better. There’s so many intermittent pauses that it’s very hard to watch movies. Perhaps a server upgrade or a systems refresh would help. Performance at times is abysmal.
dont watch this stupid boring shit go and watch tumbling doll of flesh
I watched this with my family. My kids really enjoyed it. So did me and my wife. It’s such an inspiring movie. Although I lost my job and custody of my kids due to this movie, because my kids liked it a little too much.
this looks like a very badly filmed porn video
my son left his phone on while this was playing. Should I send him to a mental hospital?
if the movie is boring and not as strong as others, the disturbing thing about this is that there are people in real life who are capable of doing that and even more
Horrifically slow pacing, overall a 3.5/10
I wouldn’t recommend this to people who were fans of TDOF
damnnnnn bruh i need someone like her
Made me squirm but ultimately super fucking boring.. In My Skin (2002) did the whole self-harm thing way better.
at least they show something beautifully interesting at the end
It’s tragic just how dull this movie is. It feels like they went for the very bare minimum for the plot, just so they could get right to the ‘disturbing’ part. I don’t ask for much with extreme cinema films, even ones like this, where the point was to be shocking. But there wasn’t enough substance in the bloody scenes to make me want to be even remotely interested in what was happening.
I understand this was a product of its time, it WAS made in 1999 and all. But still, it wasn’t very interesting…
kinh tởm
Pretty mid tbh
Je me suis ennuyée, pourtant cet auteur à fait quelques choses cool, mais là c’était long. Pour dire à quel point; je ne ne pensais plus qu’a une chose au début dans la salle de bain; “ETEINDS L’EAU QUI COULE PUTAIN”!
I was bored, yet this author did some cool things, but that was long. To say how; I only thought of one thing at first in the bathroom; “TURN OFF THE FUCKING WATER”!
Your language (tongue=langue en français) is still more coert than mine… No pun intended! 😉
Were abouts can I get a uncut version were i can see vagina and blood scenes?
Ужасно скучно, 80% девушка совершает прелюбодеяние с ебаной зубной щеткой, 10% пытается откусить палец, 5% ебануто ест яблоко и 5% режет себя.очень увлекательно ????
Ugh this is boring tbh :'(
What the fuck is this?!
using google translator to say how boring this movie is, i almost slept in the first 15 minutes ((((( what craaaaap))))))
I was disappointed on how boring this was. Also the score sounded like an alien on the toilet after Taco Bell.
A bit boring this, no??
I tried but couldn’t ignore the dudes foot
boring af
i can see why he left her crazy ass. plus she seemed like a boring chick before she started mutilating herself
It’s alright
Bruh this easily could have been 25-30 minutes instead of 40. Of all the disturbing films I’ve seen, this was probably the most boring. Not to mention the effects were pretty shit. Tumbling Doll of Flesh was much better in my opinion
Japan is really good at strange stuff. As a dude mentioned in the comments , the boyfriend did a good job leaving her
I have seen a few Japanese porn sites and some of the things Jap chicks get into defies belief. So this film comes as no surprise, this is quite mild to some of the things I have seen. Will not go into detail but it gets a lot worse. But even in the most extreme movies their genitals are blurred, go figure. Japs are definitely fucked up imo.
Damn this even has the Rare: A Dead Person trailer that made SpookyRice so creeped out. Interesting watch.
i could only watch like 20 mins, not because of the gore, but because this was just soo boring..
that was disgusting, but I don’t really like self-harm. The only self-harm movie I’ve liked on here is Pleasure Kill (1987)
I can see why her boyfriend left her – crashing bore, generally miserable. He’s well out of it.
This film is finally out at this site, i’ve been waiting for so long..