American Guinea Pig 4: Sacrifice (2017)

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Avg Rating: 3.4 / 5. Voted: 41

No one cared thus far. Do you?

Year: 2017
Directed by: Poison Rouge
Starring: Roberto Scorza (Daniel), Flora Giannattasio (Woman/Ishtar)
Country: Italy
Language: English
Runtime: 01:03:22
Genres: Gore-Gruesome, Self-Harm, Transsexual

Plot – Spoilers:
American Guinea Pig 4: Sacrifice was an independently-made movie in Italy that was later included in the American Guinea Pig series.

A young man Daniel appears to be suffering from some kind of childhood trauma, or he’s completely cuckoo – either way, he believes there are portals to the darkness around him that can be accessed through extreme self-mutilation. He locks himself up in his home and proceeds to perform a bunch of acts to summon Goddess Ishtar to help him cross over to the other side.

The film moves along tediously initially – it takes Daniel about 15 minutes to light some goddamn candles and start the action, but once it gets going, there are some brutal scenes involving toe nails and his cock.

By the end of the film it appears that all of it was an extreme expression of Daniel’s need to transition into a woman which he legitimized to his repressed self through the use of mythical literature and figures.

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Kat & Chance
Kat & Chance
September 8, 2024 6:17 pm

Me and my darling girlfriend love the American Guinea Pig Films and this was no exception!

A truly delightful romp through a creative and bone chillingly campy adventure of a satanic shut in, wowie i got goosebumps!!

My sweetums says this is a comfort film for her but I think theres a tad too much penis torture for me to get cozy LOL!!

I can’t wait for my effed up movie nights with my GF and i think we’ll be torturing our friends with this one for years to come LMFAO!!!


I would continue but my girlfriend is about to suck the soul right out of my nipples!

Toodle-oo~!!! <3

Final Heartbeat
Final Heartbeat
June 19, 2024 11:20 am

American Guinea Pig? More like Italian Guinea Pig, amirite ladies?

January 24, 2024 8:09 pm

So it’s called American guinea pig but yet it’s Italian with a British voice dub.

May 7, 2022 12:19 am

ok wow. well that’s the fourth one. god damn. i think seeing a screwdriver is going to make my skin crawl for a little bit. Good story and physical acting. i love the theme and the lore they explain at the end. but that voice acting was really fucking bad

The White Horseman
The White Horseman
February 11, 2022 2:14 am

Terrible movie, had nothing to do with the original series whatsoever.

December 24, 2021 5:50 pm

wow that was fucked up! the film was good but first 15 minutes were boring asf also the voice acting was hella annoying but the self harm scenes were actually good so 3.5/5

November 29, 2021 3:03 am

“I want to fuck her in a pool of blood until my dick explodes”.
A grown man wrote this line. That is all.

June 22, 2020 1:38 am

As a Brit I’m genuinely offended by that God awful voice over. Jesus Christ.

January 18, 2020 7:29 am

these american guinea pig and guinea pig movies are so bad it makes my brain hurt

November 20, 2019 9:19 pm

The movie itself was quite good! BUT THAT VOICE ACTING OH GOD
I felt my neurons die as the guy that did the voice over was speaking…