Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest (2009) Extended

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Avg Rating: 4.3 / 5. Voted: 33

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AKA: Luftslottet Som Sprängdes (The Castle in the Sky)
Year: 2009
Directed by: Daniel Alfredson
Starring: Noomi Rapace, Michael Nyqvist, Lena Endre, Annika Hallin, Sofia Ledarp, Micke Spreitz, Per Oscarsson, Aksel Morisse
Country: Sweden, Scandinavian Cinema
Language: Swedish (English subtitles)
Runtime: 03:05:13
Genres: Detective/Mystery

Plot – Spoilers:
Lisbeth Salander who was grievously wounded while attempting to kill her father Zalachenko in The Girl Who Played with Fire, is hospitalized. Mikael Blomkvist meanwhile is busy investigating a larger conspiracy involving a mysterious and seemingly illegal group named the Section within the Swedish Secret Service who carry out operations without governmental knowledge. One of their members slips into the hospital and assassinates Zalachenko when it becomes clear that he has turned hostile and poses a threat to the secrecy of the Section. Lisbeth is also targeted but manages to lock herself in and escape the assassination bid.

Lisbeth’s battle against the State intensifies when the head of the Psych Unit where she was admitted as a kid returns, hell bent on getting her committed permanently to a mental institution. It all culminates in a trial with Blomkvist’s sister acting as Lisbeth’s defense lawyer.

Favorite Scenes:
1. The assassination scene by Gullberg at the hospital. It is fairly unique in cinema to see a really old man carrying out a hit job considering we are used to depictions involving smart-looking, fit men. Here, as Gullberg stumbles towards Lisbeth’s room, it almost seems like he has a heart attack and that lends a comedic touch to the hit job.

2. The scenes between Lisbeth and her doctor played by Aksel Morisse: Lisbeth who is physically incapacitated reveals a certain vulnerability and appears to trust him – an aspect of her personality she has constantly battled to hide.

Millennium Trilogy:
1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2. The Girl Who Played with Fire
3. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest

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July 28, 2023 10:17 pm

the goth girl is so pretty, def didnt watch the movie just for her

November 2, 2020 10:51 am

Boring, long, very uninteresting

Paul Blake
Paul Blake
August 11, 2020 8:57 pm

An excellent ending to the Trilogy!… It built slowly, with each part of the mystery coming together helped by Mikael who put Lisbeth in full control of a powerful crescendo of revenge!