Truth of Lie (2011)
AKA: Die Wahrheit der Lüge
Directed by: Roland Reber
Starring: Christoph Baumann (Writer), Marina Anna Eich (the brave woman), Julia Jaschke (the hesitant woman), Antje Mönning (publisher)
Country: Germany
Language: German (English Subs)
Runtime: 01:37:44
Genres: Bizarre-Surreal, Captivity, BDSM, Violence against Women, Torture
Plot – Spoilers:
A writer has a couple of women chained in an abandoned factory with a timer in front of them counting down to their release date. This is all with the approval of his publisher and he hopes to raise the women to their uppermost threshold while studying the process. The women have consented to their captivity, but this consent threatens the hope of heightening their trauma. So as the deadline to his victims’ freedom approaches, the writer begins to panic over their casual approach to their chains.
The Truth of Lie is visually very pleasing but oftentimes self-indulgent in a meditative discourse that borders on the overambitious. Can get boring and sometimes silly, if you’re not indulgent to that sort of stuff.
Good movie. Director did some other effed stuff as well.
“Am i Writing the Book or Am i Being Written?”
The chains were too long, they could have strangled him at any time. Kuhscheisse is bullshit in German, it’s cowshit but it’s close enough to bullshit. The transcendental incel and his farcical fortress , fuck me! I fast forward to the end hoping to find him lifeless in a pool of blood but nope..
Only a writer with a vivid imagination could come up with this plot. Poses questions of what is a lie, what is the truth and what is trust – all in the eye of the beholder perhaps?
Deep philosophical movie about the meaning behind the definition of truth and lie. I really enjoyed
please upload more movies from this director
I like it. Watched this a few times and yes… It’s quite daft in parts but it’s story is actually quite gripping … Definitely worth checking over.
I think Germans can’t get over the fact that they have lost the War, their ego as a superior nation is badly hurts they still askingalot of philosophical questions. In my opinion this movie was a low budget garbage except white chicks.
well, that was really fucked. the redhead was hot too. i enjoyed this movie overall but was surprised at the mercy of the man considering what he was willing to put them through. maybe it was more his own view of his personal morality rather than pure mercy though. like he as a person should not murder even though he comes across as more than capable of it.
i just found this website and i m literally in HEAVEN, thank you for all those who made this possible, you are absolute gems
really awesome……limitless peak…..
Oh man, I requested this a while ago, thought I’d check what new movies you guys had on and BOOM here it is
Super stoked to watch this, thanks so much!