Cronos (1992)
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AKA: –
Directed by: Guillermo del Toro
Starring: Federico Luppi (Jesús Gris), Ron Perlman (Angel de la Guardia), Claudio Brook (Dieter de la Guardia), Tamara Shanath (Aurora), Daniel Giménez Cacho (Coroner, Margarita Isabel (Mercedes)
Country: Mexico; Effed Up Mexican Movies
Language: Spanish (Eng Subs); Effed Up Spanish Films
Runtime: 01:32:23
Genres: Vampires, Sci-Fi, Insects
Plot – Spoilers:
A 16th-century alchemist devises a bug-looking object designed to give its user eternal life. But this comes with a craving for blood.
Four hundred years later, the device serendipitously lands in the hands of an elderly antique shop owner who is fascinated by the transformation when he experiments with it. To lend some drama, there’s a dying wealthy man who’s been hunting the device for years.
Cronos features scenes that rise above the ’90s staple including an unexpectedly memorable performance from a coroner.
Somos Lo Que Hay was a kind of spiritual sequel to Cronos.
I expected better than this from such a well known director. Maybe it was an early film. Still, it was interesting.
It’s weird. I liked it. 4 stars.
Fascinating device but dull and slow movie.
It would be good trimmed to 60 minutes.
I have a friend who dresses in drag. He isn’t a pedophile either, he actually has a child and is divorced. I say do whatever makes you happy, I’m tired of seeing words like faggot and relating that it’s affiliated with pedophilia. It’s not the case for so many.
Hey superstar
Fake admin posts can be discerned by the fact they won’t be tagged in the color Red.
I am off for a while. No one to help with modding the site since no one else gives a shit at this point :)) Updates will take a bit but I’ll keep a closer watch on the comments.
Why are they playing an Argentine tango when the movie is supposed to be in Mexico? Never mind, the average punter won’t know the difference lol.
hey admin
thanks for the strange movie Cronos with the
creepy granddaughter named Aurora
the movie was still entertaining
for a second time watch!
Since our buddy “steve”
is out of school
from 2:00 until 6:00 BST
(9:00 – 12:00 EDT),
maybe you could ask your handsome
programmer friend
(if he is still available)
Create something like a
server-level cron job to
close then reopen
the comments section
after school
dinner time?
Probably wishful thinking,
but could get up to a 50%
reduction in shitposts
(say 25 shitposts instead of
47 shitposts out of 47 comments)
cheers mate
Make sure you vote for my granddad next year you low information stupid fucks. Don’t worry. He won’t try to rip you off and crush the middle class. Happy days are here again you fucking morons.
Cry baby creeps
33 shot in Chicago this weekend. 6 dead – 27 injured. It’s gonna be a wild monkey summer, man.
ʞɔıp ʎɯ ʞɔnS
Just under a week & ill have no cock & a brand new vag,i’m sooooo excited,as soon as it heals,line up boys I’m keen to try out my new hot pocket
Trigger my prick steven
YO STEVE…..SUCK MY DICK,you tranny cunt
A bunch of cry babies
Steve,can you downvote me please….im on the vinegar stoke & ill definitely cum when i see that red face,thanks my guy
Hey Richard/Steve? Have they cut your mouse prick off yet & carved you a cunt? Like no shit I’m curious,you seem a bit nasty & “Triggered” kinda like a “crybaby” lately,Cmon now man up lady,its all good,a lil snip of your Mickey mouse pecker & you can be the “EMMA” you’ve always wanted you dont have to pretend in the comments now,maybe it’ll lower your sex drive for children & you can just be a faggot or whatever,I’d say all the best but i wouldnt mean it,maybe you’ll die under anaesthesia during the OP? We can hope,best out come really,changing your name every dat must suck,no matter what your bitch ass says i can say im me……freak
Hey Berkowitz – you’re an immature triggered coward. You should stfu you jack off idiot.
Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahaha oh shit Hahahahahahahaha hahaha no more downvotes steve/richard emma i just can’t take it no nore lmfao hahaha,look…….”Bruh” you’ll have your rodent pecker & balls removed next week & you can finally be you,dont get “triggered” like a “crybaby” you’ll be fine.
Die yuppie scum!
When did this site become a gathering point for autistic edgelords off their meds? Eat shit admin, you’re spineless cuck faggot
A bunch of pussies
@Admin One goes, one comes back. If Richard does a steve…,… can you flush him as well please.
The blurb reminds me of a film called Night Shift, 1982. Absolute trash but also quite fucked up in an early 80`s way. Something for when you need a bit of light relief.
Slow and nothing much surprising actually happens. I couldn`t help thinking that he was turning into a ninja turtle by the end.
i am the girl who wanted to be god
The dark silhouette of a Creature, poised, crouched on
the corner of a cliff’s edge, waits eagerly…eyes glare
patiently, red eyes, full of fire and torment, gleam
with a frenzied brightness across the shadowed valleys below
A crack of thunder breaks the deafening silence which once ruled
the plains. The creature is unmoved by the commotion of the
noise and the blinding fork of lightning which strikes only a few
yards from where it lays – in wait – for something…
Wings spread in a magnificent fullness, the creature stands in
full glory, inhaling deeply of the ice cold air, each tendon and muscle
ripping in an almighty stance of the great dimensional deity
From the far far West, a chariot of fire emerges, traveling at a
tremendous speed towards the Creature
As if in a maddened state of mind, the Creature leaps up
off the ridge and hovers with dignity in the now cloudless sky,
it’s long red hair blowing freely in the wind.
The chariot emerges, and with a sharp swift movement, the
creature takes the reins and flies off into the night, howling
out immortal cries in prediction of war…
The warriors gather slowly ’round the sacred city, Hell
Satan screams a vengeance on the land his angels fell
Tyrants pray disaster for the land of love and trust
Demons plot a way to turn the Heavens into dust…
(to be continued…)
awesome movie… i think the first movie from master Guillermo del Toro