Carne (1991)
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AKA: –
Directed by: Gaspar Noe
Starring: Philippe Nahon (Butcher), Blandine Lenoir (Cynthia), Frankye Pain (Cafe owner), Helene Testud (Maid)
Country: France; Effed Up European Movies
Language: French (Eng Subs); Effed Up French Cinema
Runtime: 00:38:13
Genres: Short, Violence Against Animals, Family, Incest angle, Teen-Childhood
Plot – Spoilers:
Cynthia doesn’t talk and might be mute. She lives with her father, the only butcher in town, who specializes in horse meat that he proudly claims can be eaten raw.
The only thing that seems to interest Cynthia, whose head perpetually hangs down, is when she gets to ride a rocking horse. Even though she’s fourteen, Dad still cleans and bathes her. He also notices she has started to grow from a little girl into a young woman. But he’s not the only one who’s begun to notice this.
I Stand Alone was a sequel to this.
I’m not sure if this was brilliant or first year film school level but I did like it. I hope the butcher realizes that he could have saved all he hassle of trying to force a miscarriage if he just did it that way in the first place…..
Unwatchable due to constant buffering. Oh well, another day.
I definitely would have been fuckin the daughter for many years if I was the father in this movie. The daughter looked sexy and healthy to breed her. She would have been my fuck doll.
Animal abuse within the first five seconds, is shocking! And you’re probably like, “Bro, it’s supposed to be shocking”, to which I’ll respond, “I’m not you’re bro, and life should never shock, just for art’s sake!” To all of the people who popped boners, and became wet when the horse went down, please find some really strong fentanyl so you can get the real help you need.
I have a crush on Cynthia . . . She’s so pretty.
It wasn’t boring but it wasn’t the best. I wish it wasn’t a short. It had potential.
Light adult movie with incest fantasies and some nude scenes. Nothing much happening
a bit funny this was posted on fathers day lololol
this is not the original version – its been butchered
Watch this then watch “I Stand Alone” (1998). If you have never seen “I Stand Alone” you would most likely wonder what the fuck this movie “Carne” has to do with anything. “Carne” as a “stand alone” film would be 2 stars but when you combine it with “I Stand Alone” it becomes more understandable. 3 stars. “I Stand Alone” is a good film that I would give 4 stars. Understand?