Sweet Whip (2013) Extended
AKA: Amai Muchi
Directed by: Takashi Ishii
Starring: Mitsu Dan, Yuki Mamiya, Tsuyoshi Nakano, Hiroko Nakajima, Naoto Takenaka, Hiroko Yashiki
Country: Japan, Asian Cinema
Language: Japanese (English subtitles)
Runtime: 02:24:19
Genres: Rape/Sexual Violence against Women, BDSM, Torture, Women In Prison, Old-Young
Plot – Spoilers:
Based on the novel Amai Muchi by Kei Ohishi, Sweet Whip is the misery-ridden tale of Naoko who is currently a 30-year-old doctor who seemingly enjoys her job as a gynecologist and is kind to her patients. But she has a dark side borne out of her experiences as a teenager, when as a 17-year-old, she was abducted and tortured day in and out for over a month. When she finally managed to escape, she returned home to a mother who didn’t know how to deal with her daughter’s trauma and almost blanked out her existence.
Naoko, in an extreme reaction to her captivity and torture, develops a taste for pain and sometimes even masturbates in the shower to her memories. To satisfy her urges, Naoko takes up a job at a BDSM club where she willingly gets tortured by rich and old clients while also enjoying handing out pain occasionally. It all draws to a bloody mess in the end.
Favorite scene:
When the ‘real sadist’ walks towards her in the club, she instantly remembers the day during her captivity when her abductor discovers she’d stolen the knife and strangled her. During all her time of being locked up and enduring pain, that moment was when she probably felt closest to death. And now, as the sadist walks up to her, she senses he is true to his role and can go full extreme.
The scene where she masturbates in the tub is so hot. If anybody knows if there’s an uncensored version, post it please.
the girl has incredible breasts but ya movie is way too overdrawn, not a good movie but enjoyable nonetheless, watch naked blood or august in the water instead
Hello People sorry to do it this way,contact form is currently unavailable so i decided to write here.I find very sad that You,Website Owners and Filmmakers choose to entertain yourself this way..Don’t mean to be rude or sensitive it’s just that if you wouldn’t do such things IRL why would you stare at a screen looking a Dramatization such as this?..What encourage you?.And if you are a person that enjoy this IRL..There’re a lot of us who Loves you and wants you better.
I know life maybe tricky but we need to step up and decide how we wanna be.
Spread the Word & Have a great life!
I loved it, unlocked a new fantasy for me
how tf he rich and still got no pussy bruhðŸ˜
Absolutely beautiful
Awesome film,excited me so much! I loved the bdsm scenes! The actresses are really beautyful, their body suffering the whip strokes made me so horny!
this movie lost me when the Japan started to censored the pussy hair fuck that
Need more like this!
Okay, “Rope Guy” is doing a shit job. When doubled, the rope shouldn’t overlap, should be parallel. I feel bad for the actress. That shit hurts.
On the negative side the story is drawn out a tad imo. On the plus side lots of nudity and the lead lady is smokin’ hot. Great rope work as well. 3,5/5 bowline knots
Great work?
The most amazing movie till now rate 10/10
What thought is behind this stupid act of censorising dick and pussy in porn films? I don’t get it. Japanese fetish?
The scenes were way too long, if you want to be a basic porno, be a basic porno, but if you want to make a movie, make a movie. Pointlessly long sex scenes that aren’t even titillating just put me to sleep and took me out of the movie. I’m aware this is an extended cut, but it still could have used some succinctness. Especially the first masturbation scene, good Lord I literally fell asleep on that.
Best scene 1:17:45
Way too long. Could have been an hour shorter and still worked. Plus the classical music played over and over was very irritating. Otherwise an interesting idea.
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